Sunday, April 12, 2020

K is for …Kapalbhati

‘You take a deep breath in, and then just push your stomach in and out while quickly inhaling and exhaling. How difficult can it be?’ Rama questioned in a rather rude tone.

It had been six months since she was training Triya. They started at 98 kgs and were down to 79, which was an achievement of sorts given how difficult the situation was.

‘It makes me go totally out of breath; I can’t believe it is called Pranayam which is supposed to mean ‘control of breath’. Can’t we try some other exercise?’ Triya retorted looking longingly at the lush green outdoors.

She was sitting on the gym floor of her 10-acre farmhouse in the outskirts of Gurgaon.  All her friends had completed graduation and applied to foreign universities while doing a temporary job while she was stuck in this ‘retreat’.

‘You will have plenty of time to study, work and party. This is your only chance to shed that extra weight and become presentable,’ Mama had been reiterating for a while now.

But Triya was used to being called a fatso with a golden heart. Without the weight she would just be a glittery soul, she had told Mama with a chuckle.

‘They tease you and you believe their antics. All your friends – Tia, Maanya, Rahul, Akshay – they humour you because you take care of all their needs. When it comes to marriage, no one will look into your sparkling heart, they will just look at your chubby face.’ Mama had told her when she had revolted against the idea of being at this self-developed rehab centre for her.

She was correct though. In the last six years, she had come across many charming boys ready to befriend her, but none who would ask her out on a date. When she met Akshay in high school for the first time, she was completely smitten by his good looks and charming personality. They went out many times to fancy restaurants, danced together in clubs, took trips to Goa and Kasauli in a group, but each time she thought they were getting closer, Akshay would mention some other girl and how he was totally in love with her. After two years of paying all bills for the gang, Triya gave up and started going dutch. That’s when Maanya and Akshay became an item.

‘Stop procrastinating Triya. Kapalbhaati Pranayam will flatten your stomach and at the same time, keep you motivated. You’ve done well so far, just a few more months and you will be ready to sway any man off his feet,’ she heard Rama say who was trying to regain control of her emotions.

Triya closed her eyes and started the process. Each time she exhaled, she imagined the front of her stomach touching her spine.

‘Very good, we need to do at least a 100 in one go,’ Rama stated somewhere in the background.

A hundred. Triya had forgotten how many times she had scored a hundred in school and college. When she fell short by ten in her second-year psychology exam, she had rummaged through the university library for hours even though it did not matter. When the dean felicitated her in the graduation ceremony, he had quoted this incident to inspire other students.

’98, 99, and 100. Well done, my girl. Now 9 more rounds. C’mon, you can do it!’ Rama exclaimed sitting cross-legged in front of her. ‘One, two, three… stomach in, stomach out,’ she continued.

One, two, three, Triya started in her mind. Once out of this place, she would start working towards getting into the top three Ivy League schools. Eigheen, nineteen, twenty, she counted. Eligible boys would line up outside her apartment and she would have to choose. Ninety, ninety-one, ninety-two, she continued. She would perhaps go for the chubbiest of them all.

‘Ninety-nine, hundred. Way to go!’ Rama squealed once again. ‘This is not only good for your abdomen, but it is great for your heart and mind too.’

Triya smiled thinking about her last thoughts. Her heart and mind were in the right place, she was just doing this to make Mama proud.


This story is a part of AtoZ challenge by Blogchatter. For the 2020 challenge, I'll be writing some travel stories and some stories that originate in my life but find a way into this blog through fiction. I am new at this, so please be kind!!!


  1. I wish her mama had better reasons to be proud of her than make her do this!! Ivy league college degree versus thinning up so that someone will agree to marry.... Alas!!

    1. There is still a vast majority who believe kindness and intelligence comes after beauty. Believe it or not!

  2. I am sure, there would have been better ways to motivate Triya to take care of her weight. One of them was noticing the traits in her.

    1. A mother with different priorities would fail to notice her traits. Harsh but true.

  3. Yes Kapalbhati is an amazing pranayam that not helps in reducing weight but keep us calm and peaceful too.

    1. True. By the way, did you read the rest of the story? :)

  4. The things we do for the society! It is good to opt for ways to be healthier, but the reason mustn't be for marriage! Nice tale.

  5. While kapalbhati has helath benefits, the reason behind doing this is so nerve-wrecking here. Very harsh and yet true in so many ways. We have been waiting for things to change for so long now.

    1. Only if her mother saw her strengths and helped her through this phase in a different way. Then this would have been an extraordinary tale to tell.

  6. Very nicely done Nisha. Triya is wise beyond her years!

    1. She has not gone on her mother, that is for sure!!

  7. I like the last line very much Nisha.
    Good girl Triya--sorted and kind.
    Her mother needs to get to know her daughter a little better.
    A well crafted story. Kept me gripped.

  8. Good that she kept her calm..Weight is such an obsession with most women

  9. I couldn't really feel anything around me while I was reading this story. It's really hard for me to believe that such things still happen and as silly as it sound, many educated people follow these things. Well written Nisha. We need more people to highlight such silly practices and issues. So that we can completely kill them.

  10. Ideally I would say that there will be a person out there who wouldn't mind al=ny of her so-called flaws. But the world is a cruel place, far from ideal.


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)