Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sad Endings or Happy Beginnings?

I’ve been watching Gilmore Girls for the past 2.5 months now. I started my exercise routine with it and saw the episodes during my much-needed rest time. 7 seasons with 22 episodes of 45 minutes each have filled my mundane days with sweet love. It is a series that doesn’t entail much, yet it fills my heart with joy. I’ve smiled with it, I’ve cried with it, and I’ve basically lived with the people in it in the small town of Stars Hollow.

I am on my last two episodes now which I am sure I will finish before lunch. I’ve been feeling unusually blue today and I guess the reason is parting with these fictional characters that I have now grown so fond of. It happens every time I fall in love with a television series. That is why I never, never watch the last few episodes of Friends.

Partings. I absolutely hate them. Why do we have to part away from those we love? I am not the types who would call people endlessly. Just to know the fact that they are a part of my life is enough. But when they are not and I am helpless, it is heart-breaking.

I think everyone deals with such situations differently. Some cry their heart out. Others just tend to ignore their feelings and hope they will fade away with time. Some just keep wishing it had never happened. And some of us feel all these emotions at the same time.

There is always a silver lining to partings - they are called fresh beginnings. Every end is a start to something new, something exciting. We never see it first. We never understand the reasons. But they happen. Life unfolds itself and we move on. Those who genuinely try to move on find happiness in their fresh starts. Those who cling to the fact that the past was better, unfortunately never enjoy life in its full glory.

So much gyaan over a T.V. series? Nah- it is just that I have to accept the fact that I need to move on. Today Gilmore Girls will end, but tomorrow I will start a different series. I will unlock a new town, fall in love with new characters, feel a part of their lives and just be with them for the next several weeks. I might feel today that there will be no series like this one and I will feel this longing, this emptiness for the rest of my life. But then, somehow I also know that there will be one to replace it.

There always is, and it is always better. We just need to embrace sad endings and happy beginnings and everything in between.


  1. I felt the same way with Desperate Housewives.! There were mean and badass to each other most of the time...but I lived like one of them for a long time. When I watched the last episode, I felt so bad that from the next day I had no idea what to do with my free time!

    1. I know the feeling! I still want to live in an area like that with my best friends and weekly poker afternoons!

  2. I just revisited FRIENDS... all 10 seasons back to back ending last Sunday. The emotional upheaval at realizing this was the last episode really made me teary eyed. I hate goodbyes... I suck at them

    1. I never ever watch the last episode. I've seen it once and that is enough. I suck at goodbyes too :(

  3. I know this feeling. I find it so hard to read the last ten pages of ant Book because I know once I reach the last page , there would be a full stop. I won't know anything beyond that part of their lives.

    I just started watching Friends now :)

    1. Yes, this happens with books as well. It never happens with quick reads and movies though. Maybe because it is all about the amount of time spent with someone or something..

  4. I felt this after watching 5 seasons for Game of thrones, knowing that season 6 would take months. Yes there was no parting but the feeling was similar.

    Parting with someone or something is so hard because of the sense of attachment. :)

    1. I didn't get attach to GOT! Somehow I don't feel much for any character in that series. And its good actually - they all keep dying!


  5. "There always is, and it is always better. We just need to embrace sad endings and happy beginnings and everything in between. "
    loved it!!! :)


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)