Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That Magician in You

When I was in school, I use to wake up before sunrise to study for my exams. Mom always use to say that I should tell my pillow what time I want to wake up and I will automatically get up at the said time. It's miraculous, but true. The magic pillow did wake me up.

While I was growing up, I got a lot of forwards regarding positivity. Becoming the happiest person I know became my motto in life. I wanted to think positive and smile in every difficult situation. I wanted to tell everyone around me that this too shall pass. What I didn’t know was the procedure to become the happiest person. Was I suppose to laugh like morons every time I fell? Was I suppose to meditate? Was I suppose to join a cult that preaches the good things in life? Becoming the happiest person was not a piece of cake.

That is, till I found this book. My brother reads a lot of self help books. The good thing about him is that he is not shy of revealing this to people. We all need improvement in our personalities and these books do guide us in some way. He came across ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ by JosephMurphy and felt the need to give it to me.

My life changed dramatically. I started using the mantra suggested in the book to my benefit. It said that our mind controls our destiny and I believed in it. It said that we can smile if we want to smile and I did.

It has taken years of conditioning. The technique required discipline. My faith dwindled quite a few times because I couldn't see results right away. Gradually I saw it work. I use to cry myself to sleep a lot of times as a child and a young adult. Now, I can’t remember the last time I cried because of a problem. This is exactly what I wanted to achieve. I never told my subconscious mind that I would become the queen of the world. I never spoke about any disease or shortcoming. I only talked to it about happiness. There were occasional nights when I told myself that I would lose weight. Miraculously, I did go to the gym the next morning! Yes, the power is so strong. And yes, you have to work towards your goal, the weight doesn't go on it's own!

Some would shun this belief as yet another marketing gimmick. Some would embrace it and try it in their daily life. I tried it because it couldn’t harm me in any way. I repeated a line every night before sleeping and it changed my life. I’m not saying I don’t have problems anymore. It is the way I approach these challenges that has changed. I have become the happiest person I know. Really, I have. 

As for the pillow that woke me up as a kid, after reading the book I realised it was not magic. Our subconscious mind does the trick and sets the alarm in our body. Try it tonight. The magician lies within you.


  1. I agree with you.
    I am glad that you finally achieved what you wanted to.
    We become what we want to be. Thank you for recommending the book, I'd love to read it someday soon :)
    P.S. - Congrats on the grand Blogadda contest win :)

    1. you can download the book for free in pdf format.Just Google for it.
      Thanks a lot :)

  2. I agree. The magician lies within us. I too do not remember the last time I cried and felt desperate because of a problem. There are always windows and then you have to calm yourself and carry on.

    1. I wish more people understood this and stopped looking outside for answers.

  3. oh wow!lovely post...actually I myself whole-heartedly believe in the power of the sub-conscious mind..I m a big follower of the book secret by Rhonda Byrne..I hv achieved a lot using its principle..its a pleasure to know and feel that actually we ourselves are the creators of our destiny!!!

    1. Welcome here! I have heard lots about The Secret as well. The philosophy is the same and I really feel everyone should adopt it. Glad to know it helped you too :)

  4. Somehow I have always been away from self-help books

    1. I''m not a fan either. But I did read chicken soup as a teenager. And now this one. Sometimes these books should be given a chance :)

  5. this theory is called 'Autosuggestion' It does work wonders and for anything that you want yourself to do :)


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