Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sheddin' a tear or two..

- So I cry everytime I leave my parents house. I hate parting. Even if I know I'll be back in no time, bidding adieu is the toughest thing to do for me.

This time I was strong. I smiled all through. Just as the car moved, my four year old niece said 'come back soon'. Hearing something like that from her made me bawl like a baby!!

- My mother-in-law is the sweetest person on earth. When she asked me to do something only a mother would, I spared no time and shed a tear or two!

- It's amazing. Even when I know there is 'something' I can never have and I've made up my mind that its no big deal, every time someone mentions things related to 'it', I have eyes full of tears. Why do we want everything in life? And why are 'somethings' so important?

When someone says something nice, when someone mentions a short coming, I get emotional. Is it a sign of immaturity?

My problem is why do we need to control our emotions when emotions are all we live for?

Someday I'll start a blog with only answers to these super-tough questions. Till then, I'll jump like a moron with happiness and cry like a baby when sad, what is life otherwise.


  1. It is okay to cry and express your emotions. I think, more importantly we have to do what it takes to either get what we want, or accept that we never will and move on. Weakness isn't in tears, strength is in acknowledgment.

  2. Hi first time here and I had to comment on this post. I am someone who becomes emotional at the drop of a hat.

    When someone says something nice, when someone mentions a short coming, I get emotional - describes me to the T.

    I don't think of it as a short coming. But at times it becomes embarrassing, but I don't mind doing it over again cos I am an emotional person by design and am not going to hold back from expressing it.

    A nice post. :)


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)