Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Incredible India?

The Commonwealth Games is the hottest topic on every Indian's mind. When I went to Delhi last month, I was stunned by the Domestic and International Terminal. Delhi roads and the idea of re-designing Connaught place impressed me too. It all looked pretty neat from the outside.

And then the scams hit the headlines. The treadmill and the toilet paper made more noise than anything else. Forging documents, teams walking out and leaking rooftops were breaking the news.

The inquiries will set in, there will be questioning and eventually things will die out. Even if there is a leak and spectators experience discomfort, the nation will forget after a while.

Only the tourist will remember each and every detail. They will take back memories of Incredible India as Disturbing India. If the babu's up there can be corrupt, do you think the taxi wala's will listen to Amir Khan? Do you really think Khan power is more encouraging than our 'exemplary' leaders?

The recent floods at Leh have been devastating. I was there just 10 days before the calamity and the place was full of foreign tourists perhaps more foreigners than Goa. There are thousands stranded at the Leh airport even after 12 days. Shouldn't the government be responsible to bring them back? The image has been shattered. Those outside who have been watching the news would think every tourist destination in India is incapable of doing anything for the visitors. The result is not difficult to imagine.

It won't be a surprise if CWG is a failure and if India's image is worsened. I just hope we, as citizens, fare better than our leaders in what we do best - being hospitable. I hope, if nothing else, the Khan power works and people take warm memories from the games.


  1. wanna know my dilemna... a part of me want the CWG to fail horribly so that these politicians stand exposed.. but the sufferers will be the indian atheletes who will face the sanctions imposed by international sports bodies.. Kalmadi says he'll deal with it after the CWG is over..
    do u really think he will ? after its over, they'll focus on anything else and this will just disappear

  2. everyone wants the politicians to be exposed and no one really really wants the games to fail! everyone knows an undone delhi road will never complete after the games are over.. same is the case with all the corruption charges.

    india has amazing potential.. but our amazing politicians always seem to hide it. sad it is.

  3. ya, i guess so.. India really does have potential.. but you'd never guess it seeing the politicians.. its scary at time to imagine we elected this lot..

    the figures at corruption alone are mind boggling... expected budget was some 700 crores.. presently, amount used is some 11,000 crores.. and nearly 50 % of that is scammed.. and yet, we know the guys responsible will get away with it

  4. Anonymous8/23/2010

    good to see u still write :)

  5. good to see that u still visit! :).. and watch this space.. ill write till i die :) :)


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