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Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Usual Tid-Bit Post

* The Boy couldn’t sleep one night. I told him let me start talking, that will make him doze off. I asked him if he could suggest a topic. Without losing a second he replied, “Let’s talk about your weight loss.”

Doze-worthy indeed!

* Speaking of whom, he lost his Ray-Ban sunglasses last weekend. It so happened that we went to South African National day celebrations to the Golf club here in Bahrain. We had a few drinks. It was 6:30 p.m. and the Boy was happy high. On our way to the parking there was a grassy slope. This dude thought it would be fun to roll over and reach the parking slot. He sat. He turned. And he rolled.
Those sunglasses that were on his tee must have felt off. I laughed and laughed and laughed the next day. We went back but could not find them. The gardener must be a cool dude now.

* I have the sweetest neighbour cum friend with whom I share an unusually close relationship. We hadn’t met for a month. She saw my display picture on whatsapp and messaged me that I looked like a teenager in it.

No wonder I miss her and she’s the sweetest!

*My niece turned 10 this year. She has the most amazing sense of humour. On my visit earlier last month, she had told me about a particular friend of hers whom she doesn’t like anymore. Her reason was practical: she meets her and wants to gossip about their other friends.

It became a joke between us. Every day I asked her about her other friends and had a hearty laugh. When I called her up on her birthday, she said, ‘Let’s talk about abc and xyz.’ We laughed our hearts out. I realised she is all grown up now and we can have fun conversations.

I miss her!

*I just love to get massages. This last weekend we stayed in a resort and got ourselves a half-an-hour back massage part of the deal. Now when I lie on that massage table I somehow feel extremely blessed. I feel grateful for this wonderful life and cherish every single moment.

The Boy told me that next time I can have his session as well. He said, ‘It somehow seems to mean much more to you than it does to me.’

Ha! He hasn’t realised till now how touchy and feely I am. He would have to give up a lot if he knew how I feel when I feel happy with something!


  1. haha ! I do not blame the gardener dude. You guys are like teenagers! :D

    1. We took Bryan Adams seriously - 18 till I die!!

      And thankyou Anita for sticking by. I am losing all my readers!!!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)