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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Let's get Real

The world is full of overrated things. We hear about them and wish we were somehow a part of the whole drama. To make matters worse, a shopoholic posts pictures of her new Gucci bag, or a wanderer takes a selfie at Times Square and you go 'my life the sucks'.

Make no mistake my friend, these people are losers/winners just like you. The bag that you bought from a thela is just as pretty and a happy selfie anywhere in the world is just as good. Sounds petty, does it? No, it is really not. Most things in this world are over-hyped. Lets dig into a few of them:

Clubbing – It starts at 11 p.m. You need to wear formal, expensive clothes. You can’t hear each other. You have to dance with your two left feet. And more often than not, it ends with a massive hangover and a terrible next day. Seriously, clubbing is the most glorified thing there is.

The only fun part of it though is people watching. But then you never know what side you are on. 

Winning a lucky draw – Take it from someone who has won quite a few – winning feels awesome. But when the initial euphoria dies down, you look forward to your next win. The greed never ends. And the pressure, oh, the pressure - people just keep asking you what did you win next.

The next thing I want to win is 500,000 US dollars. And I truly believe it can happen. This, this is what winning does to you.

Game of Thrones – I really don’t care what happens to Jon Snow. I feel nothing for Arya Stark. I am utterly confused sometimes with all the characters. Frankly, I have a fairly decent intellect and I do read GOT wiki when I get stuck in the middle of an episode. If I need to do that, I don’t understand how the rest of the world has got it right.

The cinematography is next to none. But I don't feel for the characters. Till I can't feel, I can't like. Period.

Having Children – The cost, the effort, the physical and emotional ordeal - it is just too much to deal with. They are cute and cuddly and make you smile, but I wonder if it is all worth it or they just say because they are suppose to say it.

Starbucks – Man, I hate their coffee. Why is it so cool to be at Starbucks, I’ll never understand. Bittu chaiwala might just be as awesome and give you ten yum kaafee instead of one ‘crap’puccino!

Louis Vuitton – The more I see it, the more I hate the idea behind it. There are people who have a lot of money and don’t know how to spend it. They have huge mansions, their children and grand-children’s life is secure, they take expensive holidays and then what?- Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Then there are the urban-poor who buy these things just to show that they are well-off.

Hello! World hunger? Have excess money? - send it to Malawi.

Adventure Sports – You pay a bucketload of money, you ride an elevator, buckle yourself up with all the safety belts, get instructions and jump. Why would you risk your life like that? It is not guts; it is sheer stupidity!

You’ll get the same ‘view’ when you take a plane out of that town. You might as well feel how a bird feels in your next life when you unfortunately lose that safety belt on the way. Why bungee jump?

Times Square - You go there to feel overwhelmed. You line up to get your picture on the screen hoping every one is watching you. You fly out of New York City and it still doesn't sink in. When you come home you realise you could have gone to Channi Lal Chauraha and felt the same.
Ok, that one is a bit exaggerated but so is Times Square.

Then they say life is all about perspective. You might say Paris, FRIENDS and Sachin Tendulkar are over-rated and I would totally boo you. But again, this is my blog and here I am always right.


  1. You said it so well. Kinda agree with you:)

    1. We all agree but still we end up doing all this! The hypocrite world!

  2. I was just nodding throughout the post! Such show offs we are all turning into. Maybe it's the need to put up stuff on social media.

    1. Social media should be renamed show-off media in certain cases. Sometimes it's misinterpreted though; but that's with everything that happens around us.

  3. Anonymous5/12/2016

    It is comforting to know that we are still writing about similar issues. Just that a child feels like all I can talk about and you are wondering if it really means that much! Same issues, still parallel lives. Love the familiarity.

    1. Writing gives us inner peace. You can keep writing about whatever makes you calm. This is trivial stuff, you can talk about this anytime.

  4. I agree with every single point and most importantly the having babies thing. You know why!

    Adventure sports is a crazy things and I'm sure only people who have totally lost it indulge in such stuff.

    1. I feel people who go mad about adventure sports don't love their family. We all will die one day, but why make every other day so scary for your loved ones just because you enjoy takinh risks!

  5. Anonymous5/30/2016

    Channi Lal Chauraha!!!

    U never fail to make me smile :)

  6. I smiled while reading this post, and am still smiling. And will go through this post again when it's difficult for me to smile!

    Beautiful perspective.



Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)