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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Food for thought

Hope – it is the strongest word I know. Everyday we wake up in a hope of having a good day. Whether you are perfectly fine or going through a dull phase -  hope is what keeps you going.

Any activity you start, you hope to complete it successfully. From cooking a meal to completing a project to losing weight, you hope to have a positive outcome.

“I find hope in the darkest hours and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.”Dalai Lama

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” Epicurus.

But is it hope when you expect a negative result? Do you say, ‘I hope not to finish this task.’? And when you hope that, is it really hope? Oh, too many ‘hopes’ in that sentence.

Hope is the premise of my life. Being positive is my attitude. Staying strong on these two is my character. Hope cannot exist in isolation. 

And what happens when things happen against hope? If you have the other two traits, you hope for a new dawn. That’s why I say, hope cannot survive in isolation.

It is the degree of these three that defines how your life will be. You can make your life fulfilling or just let things be by not inculcating these virtues.

I promise to stay strong and hold on positively to hope. You have to promise me the same.

“Hold on, God knows what he is doing.”


  1. For negative things you say I fear or apprehend or doubt.
    When one is positive in mind there is no room for failure.

  2. Anonymous9/25/2013

    What a positive thought. Hope is what makes the world happen for me.

  3. They say, the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination!! So, always keep the hope alive!

  4. Ah...this was an infectious post!!! I feel positive and lively all of a sudden. thanku!

  5. Keep the hope alive!! :))

  6. Anonymous9/28/2013

    Sometimes hope is all you have and it sails you through.

  7. I tell the same thing to friends who are down and out. We need to believe in a brighter day or else we are already finished.


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)