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Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad Romance?

I don't know any girl who doesn't dream of her guy coming home with a bunch of flowers. Yeah, every girl wishes for surprise gifts, candle lit dinners, close dancing, isolated islands and all the stuff that Mills and Boons was made of. Our fascination for romance doesn't die even if the partner is not keen enough.

More often than not, he isn't! My Boy read somewhere a few months back that romantic novels and movies put wrong ideas in a girl's head. That statement has stuck with him. So whenever i am watching a chick flick with love blooming from all angles, the Boy makes a sick face! Why such a big gap in the XX and XY chromosomes? Why can't they be cute and romantic once in a while and fulfill all our expectations?!

My argument is, we have rather high expectations! If he buys me a gift, I expect another a few days later. If he buys me flowers, I tend to believe I will get them frequently!Most men understand this, give up and stop being romantic at all.

Another argument is that every guy has a different way of being romantic. Some may hold your hand while watching tv, kiss you every time the elevator door closes, make excuses to eat at your favorite eatery, you know, do things that are not usually depicted in books or movies.

So this Valentines Day, even though I nagged and got a very smart watch, I've decided to appreciate the smaller romantic gestures and not look for something that every Tom does! I don't think I'm compromising. Maybe I'm just growing up and looking at the menu has become more interesting than looking into the eyes at a candle lit dinner!

Spread love babes and make everyday a Valentines day :)


  1. Ok believe it or not, I cannot stand mushy gestures. I don't expect gifts and flowers. I like initiative though. Once in a whole it is nice when I am surprised by morning coffee or when my husband travels to be with me instead of me always taking the bus. I find the small stuff is generally the real stuff. All that mush is not even sustainable.

  2. lol...Nisha..u have matured more after Marriage.. :) Sumit should be thankful for such an understanding wife! :P

  3. @Det-res: ur hubby is lucky!!I'm not into flowers n chocs as well, i just love the idea of it!! find it very romantic n thoughtful :)..ofcourse, the smaller things are more precious, love them too..greedy, hmm!

    @Prachi: circumstances make us 'matured'!!we learn to live with it.. n wait for that ONE special thing to happen someday :D


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)