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Monday, December 28, 2009

The decade that was

As a decade is coming to an end, I'm thinking of everything that went on. From being a naive school girl to a grown up woman handling a household, this has been the most eventful decade. And probably it will remain so.

I loved growing up with each experience and have no regrets whatsoever. It's crazy how we mugged up for board exams, thought of every possible option for graduation and ended up doing the mundane, spent college life sitting in the cafeteria laughing our hearts out, participated in the rat race by taking the ubiquitous CAT, ended up in a regular MBA college and enjoyed every bit of our education years.

Friends were the most important part of this decade. These were the real gems whom we could cherish for a lifetime. I'm glad I made the right choices. Today, in sunshine or in rain, I can turn to them anytime and never be disappointed. Sadly, some friendships couldn't last, but the ones that did, have stood the test of time.

This was a decade full of love and I didn't spend even a moment without it! There was a time I was broken till the limit of being depressed and disheartened for days, but God had a different plan. Thankfully, he always sent angels down my way. And we found each other in the most amusing way there could be.

Talking of angels, I've thanked God for them each day. There are several hardships I go through every so often. Most of the times it doesn't look as bad as it really is. And somehow from somewhere emerges this one person who helps me. I never thank them enough for I feel embarrassed to be helped, but I do bless them from the core of my heart. As the decade ends, I think of these family members, my closest friends and a lot of total strangers. I don't know how I could have done without you.

I'm people centric. For me goals, money, materialistic comfort, traveling.. all this isn't as important as the people around me. Sometimes I feel it's not the right approach to life but then emotions take the top priority. And the rest doesn't seem to matter.

Among all the other things that happened, some work and a lot of play, easy paths and the roads taken, hardships, struggle and a sense of achievement, I dedicate this decade to all the wonderful people with whom i lived it. You have made me who I am today, and really, I think I'm pretty good :).. God bless you all!


  1. It's probably easy for us to say that material comforts don't matter to us because we have them. And we've almost always had them, varying perhaps only in degrees at different points of time in our lives. And it's because we have these comforts that we are able to focus on people and other things around us.

    Another reason to be thankful for, no?

  2. Came here via Chandni's.

    That was a perfect post to end this year with. Good one! :)

  3. well..this makes me think too!
    This decade woops neva thgt of life beyond the last year..
    Decade for me has only been about myself, my choices, my decisions and my strides, my mistakes.. Sounds strange to me too that but that what I can think of....

    You have had a lovely decade for sure my friend!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)