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Friday, July 20, 2007

Of Sweet People

I was reading testimonials. Of good people and of not so good people (according to my opinion of them! I judge sometimes...!) And i came to the following conclusion:

We've heard a million times and we say a million times that all of us have positives and negatives. But do we really believe in that when we hate someone?

So when you read a testimonial what do you see? The sweetest person on earth is the person you are reading about. And that happens on all profile pages. Conclusion: everyone on earth is sweet...and nice...and cute...*read a testimonial, any for that matter, for more adjectives*

There's a quote by Mother Teresa that says 'if you judge people, you have no time to love them'. So true, but so difficult to follow! Next time you're angry at someone, and really can't understand why on earth such people survive, read his testimonial.

And for that, Orkut should be made mandatory for the 6 billion plus population of earth!


  1. ya..i agree that "if u judge ppl u have not time to love them policy"...
    but dont necessarily agree with the testimonial bit...coz every1 has their own perceptions...
    so if i dont like...i dont like a person...i've got my reasons which are good enuff for me....
    maybe someone else had got equally good reasons to like that good for them!!

    neway...and about the template...
    it is simple...
    i'm assuming u come from a non tech background so i'll explain step y step...
    on ur page..choose "template"...if u want to change the template then u can pick out one of the default ones offered by blogspot..then goto "edit html"..there in the
    {background:*some colour*

    now what u do is...copy the url of any pic or wallpaper u like and paste it next to the colour within

    "url(*the url of ur page*)...
    then save..that shud do it...

    u can actually do a whole lot of stuff...but this is one of the simplest things u can do..
    oka..bye tc..

  2. @ snaha...well..yeah..i didnt add that bit...that u dont like someone coz maybe u've had a somewht 'bad' exp with them or something like that. the post is kind of incomplete!

    @ankit...yeah..keep it :)

  3. hmm sweet fr u may nt b sweet 2 me but am pretty sure it wnt turn sour at least..what say??

  4. Yeah, that's true. You do read a person's testimonial and wonder - how come I never found her/him so sweet ;) But you do realise that there is a sweet side to everyone. Even those who don't have testimonials written for them!

  5. @sach...yep..exactly!!

    @ Devanshi...ya ..but some the aunt in ur 'compliment'ry' post...brag in testimonials!lol

  6. Anonymous11/11/2008

    Good words.


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)