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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Living life to the Fullest

The phone was ringing incessantly. Weird. Mom never calls at this hour. My heart skipped a beat, something was wrong. And I suddenly realized Aman was in the hospital. Was he alright? I just had to know. Without answering the phone call, I grabbed my car keys and rushed to the hospital.

"Stop puling my hair, I'll call mom and she will give you a piece of her mind," I was screaming. "Ha, you are a weak, silly girl who cant do without her mum," said Aman, laughing like Pran in silly old movies!

I smiled remembering how naughty he was when we were kids. Come what may, he would never let me stay in peace. I owe all my tolerance to him! But now, I owe him a lot of other things. I owe him how to live even while you are dying. I owe him the ability to smile during all adversities. I owe him the valuable lesson of loving unconditionally...

That Friday we were gathered around the neem tree in the park. Arun, Smita, Paras, Aman and me. A naughty boy from the neighboring colony hit Aman with a stone and he started to bleed profusely. All of us, a bunch of 10 year olds, started screaming and with all our strength, we took Aman to the nearest doc in the colony. Arun called Aman's mom and our job was done.

A week passed and Aman didn't come for the evening games. When I told my mom, she told me he was not well. "What happened to him? Is the wound too deep?" I asked mum. But she did not reply.

2 years passed in a jiffy and we nearly forgot that Aman was a part of our gang.
"What's muscular dystrophy?" Arun asked Smita as if she knew EVERYTHING in the world.
"I have no idea. But yes, i heard on TV that people die because of this disease." So she did know a bit.
"That means Aman is dying?" questioned Arun. "I heard mom telling dadi yesterday that Aman is suffering with this."
All of us became worried and decided to visit Aman.

What we saw was beyond our wildest imagination. Aman was on the bed, all weak and lanky. He was overjoyed to see us. "Hi! Where have you all been? I sent a few messages but I didn't get any response."
"Umm...we thought your mom had stopped you from coming outside because of the accident. And you live a little far from us, so we could never meet you. How are you?" asked Paras.
"I am absolutely fine. Do you think something is wrong with me?"
None of us uttered a word. Aman continued, just like a father explains his children, "Well, I don't know if you all know, but I've been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. It's a disease where the muscles progressively weaken. In some cases its not as bad. But I'm God's special child. I have a strong case!"

I had never seen a 12 year old talk like that. Was he kidding us? He was suffereing with a disease that, according to our understanding, was deadly. Was he not afraid? I was.

That night I could not sleep. I asked mom "Is it true that Aman is dying?"
"No darling, but he is weak. Very weak. If it continues it might become serious. Or he just might hit back."
But what if he didn't?

"Hey Aman, hows life?" I went to his place the next day. "Oh, its tough, but nevermind, don't have a choice. By the way, I need a favor."
"Sure, anytime. What is it?"
"I have your gifts, your pictures...whenever you pass by my house, I can't help but think how much I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
And the earth beneath my feet moved !!!! I blushed and laughed and thought wow, it happens only to beautiful girls!
"I'm serious. Listen, I don't have a long life. I can't waste it. I need to work fast. If I make my first girlfriend at 12, I just might make my 5th by the time I'm 21. Thats when i want to get married. At 22, I'll have my kid, get a divorce and marry my wife to a handsome guy before dying. So tell me, what do you have to say?"

Here I was having my first proposal, thinking I was cute, but this guy, he was sooooo selfish! I just made girlie faces and told him I had some homework to do! A week later we all visited him again. He looked weaker to me. "Nisha, you didn't accept my proposal, so for the time being its Smita. You can be next!" Aman exclaimed.

That was Aman. At 12, he spoke like a 30 year old. Planned, organized, knew exactly what he wanted and fighting with death.

8 years have passed. And I have seen the worst. First Aman had to leave school because he could not take the stress. Then, his movements became weaker and weaker because the progression had taken over him. And now, he had to use a wheelchair. Doctors had said it just might be the last few months.

"Why are some diseases beyond any cure?" I asked Aman the other day. He use to console all of us as if he was okay and he just had to make sure we were too.
"Thats because some people take their life for granted. And we, God's special messengers, are here to tell them, live your life to the fullest."
"How can you be so positive?"
"I have two choices. I can be sad that I'm unable to do anything. Or I can be happy, enjoy with you; my sweetheart and be happy. I've chosen to be happy 'cause that way, I can see everyone around me smile too."
"Is it easy?"
For the first time in 10 years, I saw tears in his eyes. "Now, that it's soon going to be over, I'm scared. My mum wont be able to get over it ever. And my girlfriend will cry too. Worst part, I wont be around to hug them."
I hugged him and told him that I wont cry. I told him that I loved him. I told him that I'll take care of his mom like her bahu...and he smiled.

Today when he took his last breath, it was time I kept my promise. It was time to take up some responsibilities that were never mine. But I took them without a hitch. Because Aman was my inspiration in everything I did. He taught me life's greatest lesson...To live life to the fullest...

A note on Muscular Dystrophy:

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic disorder that gradually weakens the body's muscles. It's caused by incorrect or missing genetic information that prevents the body from making the proteins it needs to build and maintain healthy muscles.A child who is diagnosed with MD gradually loses the ability to do things like walk, sit upright, breathe easily, and move the arms and hands. This increasing weakness can lead to other health problems and even an early death.

There are several major forms of muscular dystrophy, which can affect a child's muscles in different levels of severity. In some cases, MD starts causing muscle problems in infancy, while in others, symptoms don't appear until adulthood.There is no cure for MD, but researchers are quickly learning more about how to prevent and treat the condition. Doctors are also working on improving muscle and joint function, and slowing muscle deterioration so that kids, teens, and adults with MD can live as actively and independently as possible.


  1. hmm.. nice work.. and the message is great and necessary too..

  2. Anonymous7/15/2007

    well cldn';t read it fully..

    its connected to my

  3. Anonymous7/15/2007

    yeah its personal though..n very painful..

  4. @ankit..thanks a lot :)

    @DC..i'll not ask...all i can say is..such is life..

  5. Anonymous7/16/2007

    its very very very nice!! i loved it...and loved the note part....i think even i'll edit insomniac and add a note about drug abuse...anyway now that you have made ur debut...i hope we will have more of such good stories...

  6. That's a nice story Nikki! Keep i it going!

  7. @ neo...thank u so much...for the inspiration as well! :)

    @ ex-boss commenting...that means a lot :)

  8. aaaaand im hit with a bolt of lightening.. that was brilliant and not to long either!!..

  9. very nice post, the way of putting too is gr8 !

    nice blog :)

  10. Brilliant!
    great job nisha! :)

    peace & love

  11. Anonymous7/17/2007


    n thanx for linking..

  12. Anonymous7/18/2007

    This is very well written to say the least. I'm sure to be coming here more often.

  13. @rashi...thanks a ton :)

    @ Rajeev...ur compliments are always welcome!

    @dream pleasure...ur blog is great :)

    @ Jolvin...u're the one with the essay right? it was damn cute...20 words max...n it rocked! thanks for visiting

  14. [:O] the message was indeed very strong ....
    neways nice ryting style..
    keep ryting

  15. hey u did a splendid job here...n doubt! u hav gr8 poems 2 but this was da best...just wish 2 drop in here again nd agin so am blogrollin u...
    take care!

  16. hey...
    gr8 story......with a social message and all...u can actually get this published make a difference....
    hope to see more such work from u..
    gr8 going girl..

  17. @ sandeep..thanks for ur comment :)

    @ Sach..u left a sweet comment on the blogger community as well. thanks a ton.

    @ Sneha..n publish it where? i love to see my work in print..but i dont know many places where i can. n hey..thanks :)

  18. Anonymous7/21/2007

    shaabaash!!lage raho...

  19. awesome stuff...gr8 going...

  20. Anonymous11/21/2018

    Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)