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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

S is for... Socially Distant

Let’s not tell some people when this quarantine is over – read her status
It wasn’t as if she was the favourite of all, or incredibly famous
It was a snide remark for all those she hated
The list was enormous, she had herself stated.
Her reasons were not petty – Jay loathed religions
Maya was a racist, Kaushik never listens.
Kavita was not charitable, Benjamin was a pain
Nora was very messy, Kuber had donated his brain.

To each his own was never her way of thinking
She debated with each one of them, never left without judging
Each conversation was fiery, always ended with an abuse
Not once did she change her mind, was rigid in her views
The numbers kept increasing, slowly everyone was in it
She detested one and all, was now socially distant.
First there were people who cared, but not anymore
She had chosen to be isolated with arguments that were uncalled for.

She led her life with great pride for standing up for what she believed in
Didn’t make any friends, was always confined within
Years passed, her mind didn’t change
She was fine, it was the world she found strange.
With books, music and art, she filled her days
She fought her loneliness, but not her rigid ways.
She named her help in the will before she passed away
‘To the idiot who cleans my house’ was all she had to say.


  1. Loved this character.... If she found happiness with herself then what's the harm... Afterall it's indeed each to his own :)

    1. I guess this is a kind of character that is hated by most and yet envied by all. We all want to do what we want to, but we are not as brave to stand our ground.

  2. Sometimes people with high standard virtues and a strong value system are looked at like being high headed. But as long as she was kind enough and considerate towards people who actaully made a difference to her life, its ok. Her KArma stands good.

    1. Definitely. She was kind hearted when it mattered the most.

  3. A keen eye that finds faults in the rest may overlook one's own. Loved how you wove the character. Nice one.

    1. We always overlook our own faults, isn't it? Thank you for your words Dashy.

  4. Loneliness can be quite a challenge but I am glad that she found a way to beat it. Sometimes cutting toxic people out of our lives is for the best. She made a good decision to leave to a person who took care of her.

    1. Most of us find it hard to cut off people like that. We are social animals and being isolated like that can be very hard. She was strong headed and found a way to beat the blues.

  5. Also, I couldn't find any sharing buttons! Did I miss them?

    1. I can see the buttons when I open my page on the laptop. However, they are not visible on mobile mode, don't know why! Although there is a small button that says 'share' right under the post in mobile mode.

  6. Considering self as one with high morale grounds and rest not worthy is a flaw that can not be remedied. What is interesting is to see that she surrounded her life with lot of activity while shunning all social contacts

    1. Yes, I have met many people who think their thought are superior to others. They never bend their rules but want others to change. This character probably gave up and started living life on her own terms. Good for her, I say!

  7. You have a talent for conveying a lot in short verses or sentences. Very well written and engaging piece!

    1. Thank you Noor, that's encouraging!

  8. "She fought her loneliness, but not her rigid ways." a lesson worth taking note of. Nicely done Nisha.

  9. Is this a person who has an opinion about everyone else, but never cared to introspect about her own self?


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