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Monday, September 26, 2016

Three Quarters

This year has been great, just not so much blogging wise. Actually it makes sense - I take to writing when I am feeling depressed and lonely, and this year, I haven’t had the time to feel that!

I started making some serious lifestyle changes since December 2015 for my health. Although every year I try something new to make myself stronger, things usually don’t work. This year, however, things have worked in my favour and I cannot be more grateful.

Now I am not hoping for too much, just a little bit of confidence and good results to keep me going is enough. I’ve got that with some consistent hard work, discipline, and learnings from my past experiences. I’ve never ever given up, and that is probably what has helped me this time around.

I started posting food and travel pictures on Instagram recently. We go out a lot and so I thought it would make sense to make use of that. It takes a lot to build a social network on these channels. Although I am not sure if I am up for that kind of dedication, I am glad I started it.

Me and the Boy have also been careful with our expenses this year. We are now going to reward ourselves with an impromptu trip with all the extra savings! After all, there is only so much we need for old age, right?

I’m done with three girlish TV series already this year – Gilmore Girls, Parenthood and Devious Maids. I’ve read nice books but I am still behind my goals. I've made new friends. I’ve been playing a lot of scrabble with a bestie. I’m helping people on Tripadvisor. I read Quora a lot more than I ever did. I tweet more. I’m watching Homeland with the Boy these days – yeah, we’re late with the last season, but it just started looking better. Oh we’re watching Weeds and Narcos as well. Nancy, from Weeds, is so hot!

The last quarter is almost here and we have two trips lined up. Every morning I feel so thankful to God for this wonderful life he has given us. Sometimes it scares me to think if it was just for a short while. And then I realise – we need to relish these moments. Every single one of them. No matter how good or scared I feel, this is for real and God has been very kind.


  1. Nisha! That's quite a happening life for you and always good to be kept so busy in life. I need to sort out and do things to be healthy, something that's eluding me, so far. Planning to get set exercise and do yoga. Cheerz

  2. Life is all about living every minute like it is your last, right? :)

    Excited to read about your up coming trips. :)

  3. That's quite a lot ! I may seek your advice soon on trips to take!


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