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Monday, July 6, 2015


Blah. That’s what I’ve been feeling since a few days, or should I say, weeks. There is so much happening in my real life that online life has taken a back seat. Now, ofcourse, I am no Salman Khan busy with promotions of loser of a movie called Bajrangi Bhaijaan, nor I am Mr. Modi aiming for 65 before 65 (countries, ofcourse), but I am a lazy housewife with, mind you, plenty to do!

So I fired a temporary housemaid because I felt she hated her job and was giving me an awful lot of stress. Firing is no easy task - I had to mince my words, be as kind as possible, and keep my mouth shut about the fact that she sucked. I didn’t want to do anything to her self-esteem, so I just lied and said I am going on a vacation.

Now this wasn’t a complete lie. I am indeed going for a vacation albeit for a week. There will be sun and sand and a whole lot of other stuff which would keep us happy for seven whole days in Cyprus. It’s an exotic destination. But then what do you do if you have already covered a lot of the famous ones. Ahem! No, no, I am not bragging. We just want to cover like 40 countries before we turn 40 and we have our list ready. Although Cyprus wasn’t a part of it, we made the list after we booked our vacation. So. Anyway. A vacation is a vacation is a vacation. I am EXCITED!!

Every time we go on a holiday we try to shed some weight before boarding that plane. This is just to stay fit and make sure that we eat to our hearts content while we are in a foreign land. These days our schedule runs tight. I do atleast one and a half hours of exercise. Now that needs a lot of rest in between for my amazingly feeble body. So, after finishing the daily chores and doing that workout, I chill the rest of the day! Ha! See I have a very valid excuse!!

And then we’ve been eating yummy salads to shed some more kgs. I’ve started making a delicious chicken salad that I actually crave for in the evenings. Whoever said that diet food was boring didn’t try searching the internet for recipes, and didn’t love his body. If you think you’re being cool by being a foodie, you also need to be health conscious to survive being one. I love food, but I love myself more. I wish people had a similar mantra.

Oh ya, this lecture will get over as soon as we are on the island of Cyprus! But that’s only for a week na, and we are prepared!

I also had a social anxiety disorder lately. After having a couple of glasses of wine, people change apparently. I did too. I became aggressive in my debates which I regretted the next morning. And since I hate confrontations so much, I don’t know how I will ever rectify my behaviour.

I could have had an altercation with a Muslim friend as well on the whole Gay marriage thing. But sanity prevailed and I didn’t say anything. I would rant here ofcourse. That deserves a whole post and post I shall.

Hope I keep reading and writing. I just like to read non-fiction and so I am reading blogs of prostitutes these days. They are very interesting to say the least. Google and hop onto one!

Much love!


  1. Happy vacationing! :)
    And share those blogs with me?

    1. Thankyou!
      Check out maggiemcneill. for starters. Read her initial posts from the archives.

  2. Another vacation? Lady, you make me jealous.

    Have fun and please do share those yummy diet recipes!

    1. Travelling is my life and we are kind of living a vacation to vacation life. Don't be too jealous! :)
      And my recipes are those simple 2 minute ones. Will share soon.

  3. 40 countries before you turn 40 :) now that is what we call living a life :)

    kala tika ladkii

    1. Thu thu thu!!! :)
      I really hope we are able to work according to our plan.

  4. Lucky you ! 40 countries before turning 40 ! That is such an inspiring idea !

  5. Anonymous7/08/2015

    Nisha, I love you but I freaking hate you! You are living my dream and I am so damn jealous!!! But I love you :D:D:D:P:P:P
    Have a great time there :)
    And as always share your fabulous album :D

  6. Anonymous7/09/2015

    Enjoy for ur holidays and such break always spark magic:)


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)