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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Moving Forward With Optimism

Life is full of ups and downs. Happiness follows sadness and vice-versa. Some people get over that gloom quickly. Others tend to linger on and in turn miss the joyous moments as well.

I am the former types. Although I get stressed extremely quickly, I come out of it as easily. I have over-working tear glands. Whenever I am depressed, I start to cry. In 32 years I haven’t been able to control this emotion one bit. Sometimes I cry so much that it begins to make me worry. I tell myself how things can be so bad that I’m crying so much!

When I don’t get answers from within, I look outside. I’m happy to say that I have an unbelievable set of friends who not only sense that I am depressed, but also find ways to make me happy.

I remember this one time a few years ago when I was feeling completely disillusioned in life. I was giving it my all yet I was getting nothing in return. When success doesn’t follow hard-work, it is extremely painful. No matter what you tell yourself and how much previous gyaan you have, getting up after falling doesn’t seem to come naturally.

So ya, my friends sensed that I was not feeling too good and asked me to meet. I told them that I wanted to be lonely. But they did not listen to that. I love it when my friends force me to come out of my shell, it makes me feel free. So after much deliberation, I agreed to meet.

Obviously I put on a brave front when I met them. You can’t be a cry baby in front of the world. Even if they are your closest friends, you cannot keep talking about your problems. I think that just increases you problems and worsens the situations.

They know that I’m happy doing that. So none of them mentioned ‘how I was feeling’. They just went around doing their business and we had our regular chit-chat. In between our session we talked about life’s miseries and how people get over them.

With good laughter, deep thoughts, and amazing food, we ended our evening. It was a great day and I felt rejuvenated. I started to look at solutions rather than thinking too much about my problems. And that was the first step to achieving my goals.

I always tell people around me that loneliness is not the solution. Some people like to be left alone when they are sad. I don’t think you get ideas and motivation from being alone. You need to surround yourself with people you love, people who understand you and can make you feel optimistic.

I’m glad I have those people in my life. #together with them I feel alive and optimistic always!


  1. Friends can do that to us. They are like the family away from the family (At least in my case).
    It is a blessing to have them.

  2. So true! I could relate with your over-working tear glands part so much! You have wonderful friends :)

  3. Did you write about me!! I have super active tear glands too. It is such a blessing to have wonderful friends! There is no substitute for good friends to support and encourage you when the chips are down. Sometimes just talking to someone can lift your spirits...


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)