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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blogging Nostalgia

Eight years ago my cousin asked me to start a blog. Even though I had finished my MBA just around that time, I had no clue what a blog was. Yes, the Indian education system is to be blamed!

Anyway, I thought I’ll write whatever comes to my mind. And so I wrote about books and movies and love and life. It was a wonderful time. I was not afraid of being judged. I had no stat counters to track if my blog was popular or not. There were no blogging communities. There was just a simple diary like structure on a public domain and somehow we managed to meet other bloggers.

The only awards we had back then were created by bloggers themselves. We tagged each other and put the other on a pedestal. The interviews were self-created. It was just like filling a scrap book and it was fun.

Time changed. I stumbled upon contests 2.5 years back and fell in love with them. My second or third contest participation won me a first prize of Rs. 10,000 voucher on Snapdeal. I literally had tears in my eyes!
You see, I live a humble life of a home-maker. My vocational writing is all I have. That is a choice I have made and absolutely stand by it. I have friends who love my writing, but seeing yourself being appreciated on a national platform is a thrilling experience on its own.

I use to write for the local newspaper when I was in college. We use to get Rs. 150 for an article. My father swelled with pride whenever he saw my by-line in the paper. And now, every member of my family feels proud when I win a contest. Frankly, they have no idea what I am doing online. But whatever it is, they feel extremely elated.

This year, blogging has gone to a whole new level. We had to praise a product for a contest only about once in a while, but now, there are campaigns every single week. I sometimes wonder if they take away the real essence of blogging – which was writing in a diary on a public domain. I feel weird writing about something that I have never seen or used on my tiny space in this online world. Sometimes I feel embarrassed as well!

And then there are times when I feel that it is all about exploring your creative side. Whether writing for yourself or writing for a product, we need to be true to ourselves and give our best shot. I do just that. I soak myself into a topic for some time before actually writing for it. There are moments when words don’t flow, and then I just let it be. The voucher takes out all the regret actually!

Things change with time and only those who accept these changes learn and grow. The rewards in those simpler times were different than they are now. Compliments that made your day are hard to find. But that feeling of satisfaction, that is not lost. And until we remain true to ourselves, I am sure that feeling would not go.

P.S. I am not editing this post, because that is how I use to write once upon a time. Ah, nostalgia!


  1. It's all about balance and proper structuring. As much as I hate to open my reader and find more than 90% of the posts for contests/campaigns, I do accept that writing for such things work out well professionally for a lot of people. I know it does for me. There are content writers,technical writers who blog in their leisure time and get some learning on the side too.

    My idea is to separate these 2 styles of writing - writing for oneself and writing for campaigns. Either 2 separate blogs are a separate category put up as a separate page on the same blog. That's what I am trying to do at least. I am thinking of playing around with a separate category that will list the promos and campaigns that will appear on a separate sub-page of my blog.

    1. Even I hate it when my reader is 90% brand related posts. It takes away the thrill of reading a new post from someone you admire.

      I don't know if a serarate page is allowed for contest related posts. And that would also not change my feed. Anyway, this is something we will have to deal with for vouchers are here to stay and we all love them!

  2. so true... back then, it was all about tags... there were no contests or anything. You wrote from the heart with no prompts or challenges to write.
    Not that I am complaining about the prizes either, of course :)

    1. I know. Prizes are so much fun. But sometimes a few topics are embarrassing (Guptaji!!!). You have stayed away from the funny ones. Try writing for one and then you will know how silly it feels!

  3. Anonymous3/27/2015

    You go Girl!!! Nisha Nisha Nisha :-D
    Winning is always big! Be it in a school race or a pay raise at the job!!!
    More love and happiness to you :-*
    I love you a lot!!! :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*

    1. I love you moreee!!! Hope to keep winning always :)

  4. I agree with Keirthana.May be two separate blogs is the way to go without the promotional blog impinging on the writing for passion blog.Many do these promotional posts for the love of money.But for readers it is a pain to read the same topic in several blogs and so tend to skip them.

    1. If everyone will start two blogs then the sponsors will find a way out of that situation also. They need promotion on popular sites... so. Anyway, I understand the problem that you are stating. This actually needs to be fixed one way or the other.

  5. Anonymous3/29/2015

    Blogging has revolutionised the way we write, Nisha. You simply rock and we celebrate the same blogging anniversary. My first blog on wp was created in 2007 and my God, we've grown to see changes. It took me a long time to get readers since I didn't know how blogs in terms of hits work:)

    1. It is so awesome to feel like Veterans! Three cheers to our spirit and love for writing!

    2. It is so awesome to feel like Veterans! Three cheers to our spirit and love for writing!

  6. Eight years is a really long time. The one who started blogging with you may have stopped long back. And you wonder why you continue? It is not the prizes or money, you know it.

    Cheers to Nisha ! I love you !

    1. So true Anita. Prizes or no prizes, I guess I will be writing here till my last breath! And the few prizes/vouchers that come along will just be like a few memories along the way.

      You do put it well. And you know I love you toooo :)


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