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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Gyaan

It pays to be patient. It pays to smile, wait and just let things be for a while. It pays to keep thinking positively and keeping your doubts away for as long as possible. It is not easy. It requires a lot of conditioning, distraction and support. But in the end, when all turns well, which it mostly does, you think of the person you have become. You think of the hardships you went though. You think of the compromises you made. You think of how determined you were. It pays to go through the pain – it really does. 

I am happy to report that after nearly 40 days of weird pain in my back which gave me sleepless nights, I am back. I need to write about this special case since when I read in forums, people said it never goes! It is yet not completely ok, but the improvement requires one hell of a celebration. I am also happy to report that not once during this period did I feel sad. I was actually laughing about the funny pain all the time. 

Yes, I am an inspiration. Do learn from me!


I am the type of person who takes complete responsibility. If something goes wrong, I don’t go around playing the blame game. I look inside and think of things I could have done to prevent the situation or improve the current situation. It gives me happiness that things are mine to control. 

I hardly ever put it on God either. I consider myself as a believer who doesn’t indulge in rituals or idol worship. But when things aren’t going right, I go to him and take it all out. I don’t look for answers, I just look for support. And I get it. In terms of peace, in terms of strength.

And so, I don’t like it when people say it is God’s will especially when things are going wrong. If God is like a parent, why would he take happiness in our pain. Why don’t we look beyond God’s will and work towards our goal. Maybe God’s ‘will’ is to see us as a stronger and better person? 

I don’t know if this makes sense to you. All I am trying to say is stop blaming God for all your worries. Take control over your mind and body. God is your companion who will support you in sickness and in health. Your mind and body is God’s gift to you, how you take care of it is your gift to Him. It is really up to you. Become the master of your own destiny.


'It is easier said than done,' most people say. If you actually repeat that 100 times a day, you will never do what you want to do. STOP saying that!! Everything is possible. And just in case it doesn't happen for you, trust me, you will love the person you become with all the strength, determination and exuberance you show in the process. 

Aim to become an inspiration to the world and not someone to be pitied upon so that when they write your story you are the hero and not the victim.


  1. I needed to hear these words RIGHT NOW !!!

  2. I am definitely not being rude here but I am hearing all this currently from various people because of the current position I am in, in my life, which is supposedly very huge and turning point... so all I have to say is- IT REALLY IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE!

  3. Anonymous5/31/2014

    Definitely agree Nisha and high time for us to look beyond God and seek inner strength. Me too, I need the words badly and time follow u, inspirational lady:) As humans, we crib too much and I don't get how we shift the blame on others rather than looking inward:)


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)