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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Whom Should You Marry?

Someone who would care for you and not about ‘what would others think’.

Someone who might never cook for you but praises your effort even when you forget salt.

Someone who would rather get bored with you than socialise just to look good.

Someone who is your best friend first before being a lover, spouse or anything else.

Someone who willingly agrees to dress up for you rather than dress up for the occasion.

Someone who might leave the towel on the bed but is willing to dry the sheets with a dryer if you get annoyed.

Someone who would skip meat just because you want to share your salad with him.

Someone who would hold back your hair when you are coping with a hangover even though you beat him blue when he has one.

Someone who would say Thankyou and Sorry when he knows you want to hear it.

Someone who would kiss you and hug you when you most need it.

Someone who would save his argument for later when you get angry so that peace is restored.

Someone who might not share his ice-cream with you but shares his dreams.

Someone who would tell you that you look the best without make-up.

Someone who might not remember important dates but knows it is your that time of the month and be compassionate.

Someone who would give you pleasure first before thinking of his own.

Someone who might not buy you gifts but seems to be God’s greatest gift to you...

And when you find that someone; treasure him, love him and care for him. For the clichéd things in the world are really not important. It is how you build your life together that matters. If there is warmth in the house, there is everything.


  1. and I know it's subtly talks about your better half :). I found myself nodding my head up and down vigorously. And feel extremely lucky to have found my dream guy.

    1. How else would I know? :)
      We are lucky, touchwood!

  2. I just melted. :) We are a lucky lot!

    1. Yes, yes, luck has a lot to do with whom we end up with.

  3. such a magical entry... touchwood forever stay the same.

    1. This one was for the Boy. I can be annoying!! :)

  4. Unexceptionable expectations!I think both ways

    1. What can I say KP, I've found that someone without expecting for anything at all. Hope the world does too!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! I am sure we can add many more points to that list!

  6. Oh wow!! Lucky you :)

    Lucky me too for Cal is all of this :D

    1. Hahha... yeah lets brag about them!! ;)

  7. That's straight from the heart!

  8. Aww..!! Nice post.. :)

  9. nice reading thinking what should a boy write abt this..... good 1 keep writing

    1. There is a lot that a boy can write. I wish I could show what mine wrote but thats personal :)


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