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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sulking, Answering and Wishing

I've been struggling a lot with writing a blog post without any particular reason. I am also sulking because I have not won any contest in the last few months. Highly demotivated to type anything! So, I picked up this from my drafts. Assume you are Oprah and I am on the hot seat: 

1 - Tell me something about you that most people don’t know.

I’m not such a bad cook as I pretend to be. You see, I’m super lazy. I don’t want to cook for people and so I let them feel I’m average. Smart, right? Lately the cooking bug has hit me hard. Just two days back I baked a boozy Kahlua cake which was to die for! Shhh!

2 - If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

It’s a tough choice between men with sick mind and terrorism. I’d choose the former.

3- Do you like to dance?

Oh yes, a lot! I feel like its my birthday when I go clubbing. Haha! Yep, I’m very high on birthdays.

4.Would you ever consider living abroad?

For the rest of my life! You can go ahead and call me names but I can’t imagine going back to India for a lot of reasons.

5. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?

The iPad calls me Mishap all the time.

6. Who made the last incoming call on your phone?

Oh my sweetheart and a very close friend – Noorien. And then we went on conference with another one. It is always such a riot.

7. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

Lol! I’m so ashamed of this now – the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians!
8.Last time you swam in a pool?

It has been more than a year. I developed some stupid shoulder problem because of it. It has still not gone. Hate it!

9.Type of music you like most?

I don’t want to answer slam book kind of questions. I am 30.

10. Type of music you dislike most?

Ok. I am still 30. For 17 more days!

11. Are you listening to music right now?

I don't like to listen to anything when I'm writing. It annoys me a lot. I ask the Boy to shut up as well!

12. What color is your bedroom carpet?

It is all rented, so it wouldn’t matter. Yes, even the spoons are rented!!! They were new when they were given, FYI. And it all comes as a package. You should be jealous right about now!

13. If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?

Nothing. It’s a nice house. I would like better neighbours though.

14. What was the last thing you bought?

My husband gifted me a nice watch. *blush* I would like to assume we bought it together!!

15. Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?

I find them scary, very scary!

16. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?

I’m never say never kind of a gal!

17. Do you have a garden?

No. Although I’d love to have one – with a gardener ofcourse. Told you, I am super lazy!

18.Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?

Yeah. I was in school for 13+2 years. And we sang it every single day.

19. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

What an awesome day! Haha! What can a lazy person think, hmm?

20. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?

I am a Bigg Boss addict. So, these days I would like to give a piece of my mind to Tanishaa Mukherjee who is acting like such a loser in the BB house. What's with her dressing sense? It sucks!

21.Who sent the last text message you received?

A friend telling me that another friend delivered a baby girl. I can't stop smiling ever since!
22.Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

A travel portal. Wow.

23. What time is bed time?

Anytime between 9 pm to 4 a.m. Depends on the day of the week. 

24.Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?

Does Miss Fresher count?

25.How many tattoos do you have?

None. I’d like a butterfly on my shoulder someday. But it’s too painful. So maybe not!

26. If you don’t have any, have you ever thought of getting one?

Same as above!

27.What did you do for your last birthday?

I’ve talked so much about my last birthday on this blog that I sound like a 16-year old. Check November posts for reference!

28.Do you carry a donor card?

No. But I’d like to donate all body parts. Can someone get my cute smile too?

29.What time do you get up?

Anytime between 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.  – depends on no.23.

30. What Inspires You?

Humour. If you can make me smile – you are awesome and I would like to be like you!

Happy, Happy Diwali people. Spread a million smiles!
This is the only time I miss India a whole lot.


  1. Its always nice to know someone whom you really like a lot. And I did today :)

    Happy Diwali Nisha. God bless you and the boy :)

    P.S: You just won the couple movie tickets on the AmbiPur contest on Indiblogger. I did too :)

    1. Soumya, you've been really sweet! Thankyou so much.
      And I know about the movie tickets. Somehow I feel that it is like a participation prize which doesn't motivate me enough.

  2. Well, you must cheer up... I think I saw your name in the Indiblogger Ambipur Contest - Movie Tickets for Couples. Check it out!
    Good to know a bit more about you through this Meme. I will pick it up sometimes soon :D

    1. Like I said before, these movie tickets seem like a participation prize. I'm not too fond of those!!
      Memes are terrific when you are all blank and don't know what to write. Do take it sometime.

  3. :D Always good to see these kinda posts... I'm gonna ignore the "Keeping up with the Kardashians" bit for now !! Don't repeat it .. hehehe

    1. Oh this KUWTK is like an addiction. I hate it!! But I just can't stop watching it. It is a disease, it really is!

  4. Anonymous11/01/2013

    Hey - that's a really creative post. Enjoyed reading it. I would love the recipe for boozy Kahlua cake ;) as well as the recipe for winning so many blogger prizes. Keep it up Nisha (aka mishap - hahahhaha autocorrect can be brutal sometimes).

    1. Thankyou for visiting!
      Here is the link for the cake, the recipe is just perfect:

  5. Happy Diwali, Nisha! Cheer up; it's the festive season.

    1. Thankyou, Rachna. I'll take that advice :D

  6. Happy Diwali...Glad to know more about you ! :-)

  7. Smile. It's Diwali. and you should do something about your contest addiction. :P

    1. I guess you are right. I am behaving like a total maniac!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)