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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Teeth!

Whatever we do, we aim for happiness. Whether it’s cooking a meal for family, going to office, calling friends, heck, brushing our teeth! I’ve never seen someone do something to become sad. The end result is not in our hands, but our endeavors always seek a state of complete bliss. 

What are the things that made you happy recently? I picked up this idea from here, and completely loved thinking about the stuff that made me glad: 

1. The two short story ideas were selected by Indiblogger and Harper Collins. There are 250 contestants. The competition is fierce. Each blogger is better than the other. My friend R encouraged me by saying that whatever happens, in the end there will be two stories. Yes, the journey could be more important than the destination. I love it so far. 

2. One day I woke up and pledged to go to the gym for 4 continuous weeks, including weekends. Today is day 12. I haven’t missed a single day and I just love the feeling. Now I’m not some idiot obsessed with 26-34-26. I have peculiar health issues for which I keep trying new things. What may seem like a bed of roses to some is a tough journey. I love the way I’m fighting it. If I were you, I would call me a hero of sorts! (I have a short-term, secret agenda as well. If I achieve my targets, we plan to make a big trip this year. That can change the 28-day plan to a 50-day plan. Talk about finding ways to motivate yourself!)

3. I realised that some conversations are better left halfway. There may be a million questions in your head, but it’s not important to ask everything. The most essential part of it is happiness. When you achieve that, let it go. The smile will stay with you for a long time.

4. Jeffrey Archer is my new, rediscovered love. I had read his short stories ages back. And I have this weird thing about forgetting stories. Does that happen with you? I can’t seem to remember Paan Singh Tomar as well. Anyway, every short story by Archer makes me smile. Now that’s a big deal, isn’t it?

5. I posted a picture on FB and an uncle who rarely comments said that I looked like a doll. Ageing gracefully, eh? Wouldn’t that make you glad?


  1. Overall it is a good list. . I really loved point 3!! I have a habit of spoiling moments by asking too much. . Thanks! :)

    1. It's hard to resist, isn't it? But we learn with time. I'm learning as well :)

  2. good stuff... for short stories, yes, Jeffrey Archer rules. Try some of Jeffrey Deaver too for short stories ( 'Twisted' and 'More Twisted' )... as u can guess, stories with kahani mein 'twist' :)

    1. I will read John Deaver soon. As of now I'm struggling with story writing. Never thought writing a love story can be so difficult!!

  3. 1. Yes the journey is more exciting than the destination ! Congrats and wish you luck !
    2. Exercise is the best investment you can make for your health.. Good going !
    3.Hmm its true. But everyone cant do that . (ppl like me ) ;-)
    4.I read Jeffrey Archer when my baby was a month old. When he was awake at wee hours, I sat next to him and read that !
    5.Oh..ppl may say fb is fake, comments are fake, shallow, etc...but a compliment is a compliment is a compliment :D

    1. Haha..FB is one place you hate to love. And I like the ones who honestly acknowledge their addiction. The ones who ridicule it are plain liars!!
      I'm addicted to exercise now. There arent any results as of now...but I aint giving up :)
      Story of my life!!

  4. Anonymous2/24/2013

    Really wonderful things to think about and be happy... :) Congrats on all the accounts... All the best.

    1. Thanks!! May we all write fabulous stories and make ourselves proud :)

  5. I completely agree with the first point. Even though the competition is fierce, I love the whole idea of creating the story and putting my thoughts on the paper. The journey is completely worth it.

    1. I hope we have the same spirit when results are announced ;)

  6. I really liked your 4th point. It's so true. The less you speak, the less complication arise!

    1. Well, there is a scope of misunderstanding as well if you speak less. But when we talk of meaningful conversations, we should resist our urge to put forth more questions when our purpose has been achieved.

    2. ryto! And just a little of my self centred opinion- if misunderstandings arise then you know you are with the wrong person....or not?:| neva mind.. anyways you have a nice blog..completely diffrnt from the title..:D

    3. I hate movies where the plot revolves around silly misunderstandings just because two people didn't clear things out. So, it really depends on the level of misunderstanding to say if you are with the right person or not!
      Anyway, I have a nice blog completely different from the title?? Meaning my title is not nice? :)

    4. no..from your title i inferred that this would turn out to be a health blog:P....(but it was a sweet surprise inside!) and I do like the title.
      And those films must be like mausam...they just make a film just for the fun of it..shilly ppl

  7. Reading books, any book, specially Jeffrey Archer's makes me happy.Just ordered his new book.. and super excited already. His short stories is something I can read anytime and everytime and the charm just never goes away...

    Brinda makes me happiest.. so happy that at times it chokes me... her little activities are so fun to watch...

    Being in a happy state of mind is tough, but I guess we all do find ways to keep our minds in that state.. way to go girl.. Keep up the spirit.

    1. I need to have the same love for books that you have.. I would blame the lack of it on my schooling :p

      Kids are adorable yaar.. but unless you have them, you dont know the feeling. Sooo...I'm not missing out on anything :))
      Hugss to our cutieee :*


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)