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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

That one Phone Call: My entry for the Get Published contest

The Idea:

Tick tock, tick tick tock, tick tock tock tick – that’s how his clock, sorry, heart beats when he sees her. Still: after 6 years of getting married and 2 kids within 2 years! But that story is for a separate book on contraceptives. This one is about how he waited (read: stalked) for 10 glorious years of his life till she finally understood what we had witnessed for the longest time.

It was love at first sight for Aditya at sweet sixteen. He was this wide-eyed boy from Nainital who still hadn’t got his hands on ‘1001 ways to tell a girl I Love You’. Being a nerd who cracked JEE later in life didn’t help either. And so, Meera was unaware of his unrequited love for a long, long time. Lots of twists happened in a decade but one thing that remained constant was Aditya’s abiding love for Meera. 

It was nothing but fate that brought together all the twisted pieces of their love story into one concrete picture. Their story makes me believe that Bollywood concoctions don’t come out of thin air. It makes me realise that even though we live in the age of instant messaging, it can take a lifetime for a message to travel from a person’s head to his heart. It reassures me that for every bad guy in this world there are a hundred gentlemen who would go to any extent to prove their love and commitment.

The when, where, why, and how of this most-interesting-love-story I have ever known has chapters of its own. Their rollercoaster ride has sent many men on a guilt trip and women on an ‘aww’ spree!  To witness ‘his’ love story turn into ‘their’ legend keep a tab on Harper Collins publications.


“It’s ok if she’s getting married. I’m sure you have stocked enough Old Monk and Rafi songs for this slap-on-the-face occasion as well,” Sumit was saying on the phone.

“You have a heart made of stone,” I roared pulling the phone from him.

“Meera is getting married? To whom? And why?” I asked lowering my tone as I heard Aditya's voice choking on the other side. 

 “She’s getting married to her boyfriend. That will probably put an end to my love story,” Aditya replied. Since I didn’t use the C-word in every sentence, he felt more comfortable in sharing his feelings with me than his closest buddy from college.

“…and make you the most coveted Devdas of the 21st century,” Sumit commented from behind.


This is my entry for the HarperCollins–IndiBlogger Get Published contest, which is run with inputs from Yashodhara Lal and HarperCollins India

P.S. If you would like to see this story in print, please press on the red heart HERE! Thanks a ton!


  1. It works. :)
    Now best of luck and keep your fingers crossed.

    1. You never know what works ;)
      Good luck to allll of us!! And u didnt click on the heart..haha

  2. That'is an interesting idea. Voted! (#12)

    1. Lets see how far it goes. Thankyou!

  3. Done!! All the best!

    1. Thankyou so much, Rohan! I'm hoping for the best as well.

  4. great one :) seems interesting.....

    I have pressed like :") have a look at mine too and press like if you like it . Thanks.

  5. The Devdas line was a punch! :P

    Good luck for the contest!

    Here is mine. Kindly read and cast your valuable vote!

  6. Hi Nisha

    A love story which takes years in the making? It sounds like quite a love story.
    Hoping to read this one in paperback :) :) :)

    My vote goes to you, wish you luck :):):)

    P.S. Do check out & vote for my entry for Get Published.


    My Entry to Indiblogger Get Published


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)