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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Three Zero - 30.

Don’t tell me that 30 is the new 20.

Did you worry about the lines that appeared on your skin when you were 20?

Did you think marriage, babies, property, investments, a healthy heart, were the most important things in the world when you were 20?

Did you curl up on your sofa on a Saturday night thinking the club is too loud when you were 20?

Did you feel like wearing as many skimpy clothes as you can so that you don’t look funny when the age ain’t right, when you were 20?

Did you miss melodious songs and thought the songs of ‘this generation’ suck when you were 20?

Did you drink green tea, ate almonds, drank milk at your own will when you were 20?

Did you spot a gray hair and not screamed out of disbelief when you were 20?

Stop fooling yourself. Embrace 30. As it is, you can’t do much about it. It’s just a number. Feel happy to be alive. Live in the present. Sing 18 till I die. It’s not how you look, it’s what you feel inside.
Blah Blah Blah!

As you can make out I’m going to turn 30 soon and the feeling can’t get worse. How was your experience? Warning - Please don’t repeat any lines from the last paragraph.


  1. Anonymous6/07/2012

    Baby, new location, new home, hubby's new career. That's 30 for me..

    For all the changes, I hope they are all good :-)

  2. You r growing up my sweeetheart! I think I'm still at the same place where I was 5 years back. Don't know if it's a good thing or a bad one...

  3. Anonymous9/25/2012

    When in 20s, we weren't the least unhappy to get over with our teens. But 30 is just the opposite. It had made me feel sad... desperate... as if I was gonna lose so many things... Still striving to be happy about it, though it is nearing to be 2 years past :(

    Hope I'll get over it!

    Anonymous 31 year old ;)


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)