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Sunday, June 5, 2011

When all you know about...

...F1 is Michael Schumacher and Grand Prix is pronounced in a very complex manner.

...Tennis is something called 'love', Sania and her wedding, Nadal, Federer, a few other names.

...Football is Barcelona.

...Hockey is the national game of India.

...Basketball is Michael Jordan (right? Makes me wonder people with the name Michael can make it big? Schumacher, Jordan, Jackson,...)

...Baseball is home run. (I'm reminded of some nintendo game, was fun!)

...Golf is Tiger Woods and his affairs!

...Boxing is Mike Tyson (that's also because of Hangover 2.)

...Rugby. (just remember Ross playing it for his Brit girlfriend in FRIENDS!).

I feel like a dumbass while reading about these online. Cricket is a religion but the other games...Ah, I don't even want to make an effort!


  1. Anonymous6/06/2011

    Cricket is all that matters. Everything else is negligible. :)

  2. I agree! btw, long time :)


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