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Monday, November 29, 2010

Loneliness bluessss

Things Loneliness at night can do to you:

Eat a bar of chocolate and wake up with a hangover (you know, the headache of losing 2000 calories)

Write intelligent status messages: ‘I hate my new shampoo’, ‘I’m with my parents in chowk(in lucknow) and missing my jaanu(husband who’s like 3 kms away in Lucknow)’, ‘my head wants to forget him but my heart is screaming how can I’ … Oh they make me sick!!!!!!!!

Start watching You Tube with a news item and then moving on to several episodes of Ellen causing a sleepless night

Playing Bejewelled relentlessly

Analysing how God has been unfair and mourning over your friend’s success!

Oh, then there’s a lot of stuff you can do with yourself which would have been easy to explain if I were a guy!

Resisting going to the refrigerator, trying hard, but giving up resulting in another analysis of how you’ve been a failure

Moral of the Post – Get a partner/Never let your husband travel for work/Make friends who can chat with you all night/Start Blogging so that you can sulk in private thinking someone would read and sympathise!!


  1. I'm reading and sympathizing!

    Actually, my husband is in Boston this week (and I'm in GA). Not to mention he works/lives in SC during the week so I only get to have him with me on weekends.

    Long story short - I get what you're going through! Sometimes I stare at Facebook during the wee hours and just click the "home" button over and over and over . . . wishing I could fall asleep.

    Hope it gets better for you!

    - Lauren

  2. Oh, it's not all about me, certainly not the status message thing! I see a lot of girls doing such stupid things when they're lonely.
    Thankfully my husband's traveling has reduced and I'm still sane!

    and you're right about the facebook page.How did we live before that ;)

  3. Anonymous12/04/2010

    Good one Nisha, LOL!!! I love the moral of your story...especially the last one!


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