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Thursday, February 18, 2010

To gym or Not to gym!

Whenever I have to exercise/do yoga/go to the gym, there are always the two of me. One the stronger me who says you can do it girl, just 5 more minutes. And the other, a much stronger me who says, tomorrow I'll do 5 more minutes, today let me take a much deserving break!

I know for a fact that everyone takes the much-stronger person to the gym as well. So how does it go? Let's call the determined one Fatty and the less determined one Aalsi(Lazy in angrezi, oops, english)!

Fatty gets on the treadmill, after 2 minutes:
Fatty: Wow, it's been 2 minutes. Today I'll stretch the 20 minute run to 25.It's going pretty well, I feel so energetic.
Aalsi: Hahahaha, we shall see.

After 5 mins that seem like eternity
Fatty: I'm just feeling the heat, its good for me. The weekend's coming. Can make it to 25. Keep going girl. Starts to sing out loud.
Aalsi: Only 5 minutes. When I'm shopping time flies by, and here I am, 5 minutes seem to be like an hour.

After 10 mins that seem like a whole day
Fatty: (she's becoming weaker) Let me complete 20. then will see about the 25.
Aalsi: Cool hai, 700 metres. Thats a whole lot. I'll finish in 15 minutes.

Fatty: Trying not to look at the time. Determined not to look for the next 2 minutes.
Aalsi: Within 30 seconds she feels its been 2 minutes, looks at the screen, bangs a little, makes faces, wants to get down.

15 minutes pass. Fatty wants to make use of the time she's taken out for the gym. Aalsi wants to get down and chit chat with her friend.

On a good day Aalsi wins. But, ya, a girl gotto do what she gotto do, so I try to put Fatty in the lead. Anyway, it's time for me to hit the gym, Fatty is pressurizing. Aalsi is kinda sleeping. Hope she doesn't wake up till I really get on that treadmill!Wish me luck people :)

So who's awake at your place,hmm?


  1. Never lasted longer than a week at any gym myself.. so I think I'll be called Super Aalsi !!!

  2. @D: what can I say, wake up!!!

    @Roshan: Well, u atleast need to go there for a month. That's how long it takes to become addicted. A few friends make it all the more fun

  3. aalsi din allow me to leave ma bed only!!!


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