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Sunday, May 31, 2009


Much has been spoken about photos and Facebook on this blog. I came about something very interesting today which I just have to share. Its regarding, again, pictures.
So we all try to be our witty-best when adding a line or two with our mundane pics. And some people go an extra mile. The pics I saw today had intriguing captions like - Flower, Leaves, Tall tree, Road, Me, Me near a tree - below, what else, a flower, leaves, tall get the drift.


What's up with this 'How well do you know so-and-so quiz?
My husband scored a 60% after much deliberation. His answer to such disastrous result "Sweetheart there's mystery in our relationship. I want to know you more and more each day."
To state that he has learnt to handle me after all these years would be an understatement.


My visa delay has actually become a joke now.
A friend wanted me to get serious when I was actually laughing out loudly. I suggested her to say something like, 'Nisha, imagine if your visa gets more delayed.' She did as I said.
It didnt help at all.


There are several benefits of having a guy friend. On the other hand, he hardly has any if his female friends are devilish.
The other day we asked him to show us isolated lanes and by-lanes where he and his friends 'took' their girlfriends in a car which has window panes covered with sheets darker than a moonless night. After much coaxing, he showed us two of them. We were really impressed and thought we could help our nieces and nephews someday.
And ofcourse, we will tell our friend's wife (whoever she will be) how he took us to that lane too.


The other day I was listening to 'Tamma Tamma loge' on radio while driving. Somehow it's easier to remember the lyrics of old songs and so I wanted to sing along loudly. I wanted increase the volume and go dhinchak dhinchak in the car.
I was too afraid to ruin my reputation in the city and so I didnt. But really what's so wrong about it? Especially when songs back then had much better lyrics and tunes.
Barring Tamma Tamma, ofcourse. Bappi da is just another league altogether.


Ok, I gotto go now. Otherwise it will be waking up time for granny and she'll start her harangue on how its better to sleep early and get up early. I, on the other hand, think its actually practical. This way somebone or the other is always awake at our place 24 hours. We really don't need a watchman.


  1. Wow! I am on your blog even before me! Thanks!

    What toothbrush? What toothpaste? How many times? and ... Where's the proof? Pic! We need a pic!

    You are allowed to go the extra mile and name it 'Teeth' ;)

    I guess you are better off only 60% known. Mystery is very good for the romance ;)

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention..
    "Haaaaaaaaaaw! Nisha imagine if your visa gets more delayed!"

    (Did it help ;) ? )

    And I am 'so lucky!'. No devilish female friends to tell my non-existent wife about that lane where I took no girlfriend!

  2. Wow your blod has butterflies and pink trees, I love it already! I love looking at pictures on facebook but somehow think people who put too many solo pictures of themselves are too self obsessed.

  3. "Dhinchak dhinchak" LOL!! That's so rad!!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)