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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Talking of similarities...

I never put hello tunes in my phone. This week, I thought of adding one. And strangely enough I found them very similar to weddings! How? Here are a few observations:

1. You try really hard to decide the best hello tune for your listener. Just like you decide the best venue, card, food, etc.

2.You spend moolah. But all for the entertainment of the caller. Similarly, you spend lakhs for the whole wide world who get entertained at your expense.

3.You, however, never dial your number to enjoy your tune. At the wedding, you are decked up, handling heavy clothes with a fake toothy smile touching everyone and anyone's feet. Nah, you don't really enjoy your own wedding.

4. Like the song selected, everything about your wedding says a lot about you.

5.If you want to spend more money, you can customize tunes for different callers. Likewise, you organize different functions for different people. You know sangeet for aunty ji's, cocktails for uncles and bachelor party for friends...

6. It doesnt matter if the caller likes your tune, he has to bear it. Weddings can be a social nuisance for some.

7.There are some who would call you just because they like your song. Like the ones who will come to your wedding just because you've laid some yummy grub.

8. It becomes boring after a while and you feel like changing it...hmmm...that's a similarity that I still have to experience...

Ah, weddings are all I can think of :)


  1. Ha ha! You sure have the wedding on your mind to be able to come up with these comparisons!

  2. hmm geheri soch :-) !! u have the knack to relate two seemingly unrelated topics!

  3. Good comparison, Nisha! Keep on writing your thoughts! We will enjoy reading them now and you will, after some years, with your husband and children! Enjoy all the stages of life! God bless you!

  4. ha ha ha..enjoyed reading that. you should either attend a wedding or get married yourself (if not already) i don't bother choosing caller tunes or even ringtones. i just pick one ringtone at the start and it stays.

    hi.first time here. was bloghopping in this cold monday and found you.


  5. Anonymous11/25/2008

    are u a dentist :)

  6. @D...tell me about it!

    @my space...i think 'the wedding' has brought a new angle to my creativity..haha!

    @Sandhya...yeah...ill be smiling reading these things later on :)

    @A...i about to get married in 10 days :)

    @Vida Loca...nooooooooooo!

  7. Hey, Nisha, All of us wish you a very very happy married life! Be happy and smiling, always! Tomorrow is the D-day, right? God bless you both!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)