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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Social me!

For the uninitiated, 'Social me' is an application on Facebook. Anyone who is low on self esteem should try it and you are sure to change your mind about yourself.

Nah, I'm not doing any promotion for the website (If I did, will they pay me?I'm ready to ramble on my blog if they would!). Some of the applications suck (ya, now they wont pay me for sure) for they take away the whole essence of a social networking website. I would definitely like to stay in touch with my friends but I just cant open my homepage and see a plethora of invitations to "What kind of Bride will you be?" or "What song are you?" or "What kind of date are you?".

Anyway, coming back to Social Me. This application has kept me entertained for the past two days. I've come across a super hot guy(ya, I told the BOY that and he's fine with it. Bet he's found a super hot girl too.I need to keep checking his account more often now!) and I've also met a very talented person.

More than that, I've received compliments like XYZ think you are "awesome", "sexy", "hot", "cute" *100, "great hairstyle", "smart", "stylish", and the works! Yeah, it seems to me that my degree of narcissism is increasing day by day. But after such compliments can you help it? :)

I know most of these people are faking it just to get my attention (lol!talk about increasing degree of narcissism!) but I would also like to believe that some of them are genuine. I've been faking it too...just to add points to my scorecard. Why I'm doing it I have no clue, it's just a lot of fun.

It's funny how we dig compliments. It's funnier how some people can fake it so easily and take some of the 'innocent' ones like me for a ride. I'm a miser when it comes to saying good things to people but here I've realized that if I'm getting a few in return, I can be pretty generous. Yup, a person with such traits is called 'Mean'!

Nevertheless, the application is a good stress buster. Plus, you get to comment on pics of ugly/cute/silly/hot/sexy guys/girls that you might never be able to do in person. You also get to slap people who offend you in any way. Again, something you might never do face to face.

So way to go people, socialize, entertain yourself, and just in case you see my pic don't forget to tag 'one of the most talented people you've known' :D


  1. Anonymous4/28/2008

    I'd say a person with those traits is called 'transactional', rather than 'mean'!


  2. Ha Ha... Good take on Social Me. Sure... I will ensure ur last statement.

  3. Hey I'm blogrolling you.. you ok?

  4. @gaizabonts: hmmm..i kinda have no probs being called that either!

    @CM-chap..i love to get blogrolled! thanks :)


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