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Friday, October 5, 2007

24 till i marry!

Don’t ask my age. For when you’ll do, you’ll think:

Why isn’t she married yet? Is there something wrong? Did she have an affair and it didn’t work out and so she’s decided to remain single? Or, is it a health issue? Is she sane?

Duh! If you are a girl (I won’t speak for men!), and you have completed your studies (read graduation) you ought to be engaged. If for any matter, you’ve decided to study further, people think it’s because you don’t want to get married right now. To tell you the truth, it’s true a lot of times. But give us a break; we do have a career to build!

I love pandits of today. They understand our psychology and know we don’t want to marry early. Most girls I know have met pandits who tell their parents your daughter won’t get married before 27+. My friend’s parents were after her life to get her married till their pandit told them it would kill the mother if it’s before 28! Now who would like to take the chance??? (seriously, what kind of a pandit predicts that?) She’s happy that her parents are calm now. Although 28 seems a little too late and she’s worried about the frustration. So I suggested, that maybe, it’s the beginning of 28. That means she can get married after 2 years flat. And that too just the day after her birthday!

Come birthdays people ask your age. And if you’re single, they worry about your marriage more than your neighbor’s daughter’s mother-in-law. They give sleepless nights to your parents who were happy thinking their daughter is still a kid. Only those who have a daughter of ‘marriageable age’ are compassionate and say, “It’s best to leave it to God.” Thank you for you sympathy!!! (And by the way, why isn’t your daughter engaged yet?)

You know, sometimes the other person may not be thinking all this. But we just read it in their eyes and their tone seriously suggests how ‘worried’ they are! (Oh, whom are we kidding? We’ve been dreaming to get married since our first crush in grade 3. Subconsciously, we think about marriage almost all the time!)

Leave marriage, even the actors who are being launched seem older than us. Now look at Ranbir Kapoor. I wanna drool over him. But it makes me think he’s younger to me. Age no bar – agreed – but it does give me the creeps!

Even the ‘kids’ doing grad make me feel jealous. I may be much smarter in everyyyyy way (and I am confident I am. And not mature, I hate the word!), yet they make me feel like a behenji.

And it’s all till I get married. Once that is done, I’ll be an ‘aunty’ anyway (why do kids call a married woman aunty I never understood) and I’ll accept the fact that I can’t drool over younger men (openly that is!).

Today is one of my best friends birthday and I just spoke to her. We laughed our hearts out over pandits, desperation, career and boyfriends and decided that we will never reveal our true age till we get married. So, I am 24 till I marry. And that’s my humble suggestion to everyone here – just to make sure your birthday is a happy day and your parents sleep well at night!


  1. i like this post. i think people have started marrying by default. i mean, i'm not saying its wrong, but one atelast needs to question the need, and then make an informed decision.

    more than the parents, it is their peers - they keep talking all sortsa shit to them and the poor parents succumb to the pressure.

    oh, and the kids started calling me uncle ages back :)

  2. true.. i agree with dharmabum too. Living life for others dreams can be a major pain.. I say enjoy ur life... u can be a aunty forever.. u can only be young once..

  3. Ha! From one who's married, here are some words of wisdom: Don't marry in a hurry. Enjoy singlehood!! And trust me, once you're married, the peer/parent pressure doesn't end. You're expected to have babies too! Now, don't even ask me what happens when you've not had one till 4 yrs of your marriage!!!

  4. Bah!
    I hate pundits.. they are evil. Filling my parent's heads with stuff. Not nice of them.

    I don't understand the concept that the girl HAS to get married after graduating.

    My thinking goes more on the lines of, "before hitting the big 30 I better have a nice girl I can call a wife"
    This means the marriage can take place even 10 seconds before my 30th birthday.

    I have rules about my birthdays...I am..22 right now. yes yes..i turned 22 on 22 june very funny ha ha..
    As soon as I turned 20..I had rules. My age shall never be mentioned. There shall be no more than 1 candle on my birthday cake, and it shall be a normal candle..not in a shape of a number.
    Anyone who disregards my rules..they don't get cake.(gasp)

    You think only girls have that problem? As soon as I turned 21.. there have been talks... sigh..gujju familes. All of a sudden these "until today" non existent aunties popped out with their versions of the "perfect bride" for me.

    hmm..whats wrong if the woman is a little older than the problems...follow the -4 + 2 philosophy.
    Anyone 4 years younger or 2 years older to your age is eligible. If he/she is really fantastic then that 2 can stretch to a 3-3.5ish.

    you are 24 till your marriage and I am 18 till I die.
    Life is good

  5. lol.nice one.....u`ll find someone....just relax...dont be in a matter what they`ll call u aunty.........

  6. girly post.. :P
    but they will call u aunty as long as ur in india.. thats for granted!

  7. Sorry im late!

    @dharma: ya u r right. but i think its changing...thankfully we dont get married at 21 now! so, not bad at all.
    i know..some kids dont have any sense of age :) in the moment!

    @D...i really wanted to add the baby bit..coz i know quite a few ppl going thru the pressure. but then i dint want to write on something without exp!
    and thankus for words of wisdom :)

    @hershey...from what u said i think we have similar views!!! do u know i havent found someone? lol! anyway..welcome to this space true...every lady is an aunty..i like it when phoreners call everyone with their first names. when will that happen in india??

  8. Anonymous10/18/2007

    Don't think your troubles will end there - this is the first step...once you do get married the next thing you know these same people will start sniffing around for 'good news'...

  9. Oh you girl for this post...not like I am any close to the marriageable age according to me...but meet those aunties with 'eligible bachelor' status sons...they look and talk among themselves as 'yeh bhi hai...bas 1-2 saal mein grad khatam ho jayega..' But I am so glad my mom randomly (knowing what is in people's minds) off and on keeps declaring it aloud... MY GIRL HAS A CAREER TO MAKE...SHE IS VERY AMBITIOUS!! >>phew<<

    Yet...I do not understand the whole hullabaloo about a girl's age, the age difference between the man and the woman and caste and shit, when it comes to marriage. Marriage should happen when you are mentally ready for it, with the person you are comfortable with (that may not necessarily mean 'love' marriages) at a time YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED!! Saala tumhari shaadi...puri duniya tension legi sewai tumhare...and trust me...there is NOTHING as a MARRIAGEABLE AGE!! Love and Live life...!! :) Cheers!!

  10. cheers to a broad minded generation and singlehood!!
    i really like this post...extremely candid...

  11. Absolutely right..i'm graduating in two years and my dad has already tarted joking about my future husband;s habits.
    They are going to start looking once i graduate...around the same time i decide i'm moving out...

  12. 24. Some girls always say they are sweet sixteen until they daughter becomes sixteen :)

    Good blog.


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)