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Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Rajeev tagged me.Thank you so much...I had a writers bloc!

Here are the rules:
* Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged.

Now for a middle name, I wish it was RUKH (you know, of the Shah Rukh Khan fame! okie I guess the not-so-funny mania continues even after the break up quiz.) Hmmm...I choose 'witch' ...adds to the insanity of my name...nisha witch it goes with my teeth. Yeah I know, I've used my teeth far too many times now to let them just be!

As for the facts, lets see how they go:

W : (how i wish i could use witch again for my teeth...duh...cant think of anything!) Here's one...I wish for things a whole lot. And then i work for them. Yep, I'm the take action types...not relying in Tarot/destiny/janam patri/mistletoe (!!??*naughtyy*)

I: Impatient, Intolerable, Insane, Indirect, Innocent... I'm none of these. Infact, I'm Interesting(yea thats narcissist spelt with an i!) And to elaborate on that, you would have to meet me. (So, you'll never find out the truth...yippee!)

T: (gawd...i could use a teeth joke here too!) I love to tease my friends! I can rip them apart at any fav being in front of their moms! And then I love it when their mom takes their case at home...what happens next is they trying the same at my place...and well...they hardly succeed. Yep, I'm lucky to have 'innocent' friends and not 'witchy' like me!

C: I'm cute! (yeah thats narcissist spelt with a C!) well, I've been hearing this ever since I was a kid. C'mon people, I'm 24, its gotto change to sexy now.

H: (I wish i could say I'm hot!!!!!!!!!!!) Honesty is the best policy...i follow that. Frankly, I have to. My face says it if I'm lying. My friends tell me secrets of other friends asking me to keep them. No, I don't spill them in front of others, but when the other friend asks me if I know, I can't lie! This being a small example is one of many cases were I have been forced to be honest!

You know, I hate tags. They make me feel my life is DULL!
I hate them again 'coz somehow I don't get any comments on my tags.Maybe becoz of the my-life-is- dull-crib!
I hate them more because I don't want to burden anyone with 'You are Tagged!'
I hate them all the more 'coz no one, absolutely no one on my blogroll has a name starting with W-I-T-C-H!!!

I tag wonderful, interesting, tooo sweet, cute and huggable people! So, you know, if you are one of these, you'll take this tag...and u will enjoy! A few middle names that I can suggest are: Devil, fatty, bubbly, clever, disgusting, sloshed...


  1. Just wanted to break the jinx, leave a comment on a tag!

  2. U've done it well! :D
    hehehe! U didnt get even a single person to tag!?
    Awwwww...that is sad! why dont u tag everyone in ur blogroll! ;)
    Make them suffer! and remember u cant tag the person who tagged U! *grin*
    oh btw UR SEXY! ;)

    peace & love

  3. sweet! lol...i knew ill get some sympathy messages :D

    @Rajeev..i was laughingggg when i read ur comment! u're one of the first ones to call me that! :D
    thanks? lol!
    and i wont tag anyone..i've tagged everyone in a sense...if they wish too..they will.otherwise its okie..they'll miss on getting a new middle name.. if nothing else!

  4. not taking up the tag...
    tho i am..
    Huggable....(i think thats narcissism fro A-Z)
    but yeah..commented to say..that ur funny streak does seem to be continuing successfully..

  5. you are losing the charm :(

  6. Interesting stuff! And hoping you are hot instead of cute? Hmmm... there's a hot debate on that usually on which one is btter!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and blogrolling me! :)

  7. Anonymous9/15/2007

    Its one thing to laugh - its a totally different thing to be able to laugh at yourself. I'd but Humor instead for the H. :)

  8. u do have comments here.

    and from what u have said, i'd never be able to take this up :)

  9. @sneha...i try really hard!its so tuff to make ppl laugh..wonder how some do it with such ease

    @deepak..its comments like these that make me rise up to the challenge!

    @still seraching...well..ive been cute since 24 yrs...wont mind being hot for another 24!!!

    @jolvin...thanks..thats so sweet of u!

    @dharma..ppl here are really nice...they say good things when u ask for it explicitly! oh cmon u have to be wonderful/etc etc...modesty doesn't take u newhere these days!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)