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Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter and The order of the Phoenix

Well, I'm no ardent fan of Mr.Potter! But i love to have fun...and so early morning(10:40 a.m.!!!!) me and my friend headed for first day first show of the new Harry flick!

To say I was disappointed would be too harsh. Lets just say it wasn't up to the expectations. You wait and wait for something thrilling to happen, as in all Potter movies, and when something happens, 10 minutes and the movie is over.

Harry is accused of lying by saying that Voldemot is back. Nobody believes him and so he forms his own army against him. Some(5 maybe!) fun moments, some(umm..1..cant even call that a fight though) fighting scenes in the last 10 mins, Harry is proved right and THE END!

I missed laughing, I missed being captured by fights, I missed the fun matches, I missed Dumbledore and Hagrid and I hated the fact that Potter loses his Godfather in this one. Also, Potter kisses Cho...just for a few whistles by some sick audience(lol! well, where i live, it happens!)...and thats emotions anywhere at all.

The people who have read the book(I haven't) say that a lot of things were missing. Guess that happens with all books that turn into movies 'coz there is little time.

The silver lining - Prof Pinky...oops...Umbridge was a lottt of fun to watch, and so were the Weasely twins. I've always loved Hermione's assertiveness and she did justice this time as well. Rest, well, I know all Harry fans would watch this one, but Im sure they'll think how much better it could have been.


  1. Anonymous7/19/2007

    i think it was the best potter movie to date..kickass is the word to describe this one!


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)