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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Do looks matter?

I've been thinking day in and day out, how to change my blog's appearance. Asked only one person, and she's a sweetheart - Sneha and then took up the task myself!

And now I realize, how easy it is. Although I have a lot to learn, but I'm getting blog savvy!Whatever that means!

Are looks that important? Why do we run for templates so much? I found out there are websites and websites teaching this, hosting pics, and what not. I, myself did a whole lot of things to understand the concept. I guess it's because right now I'm in the 'addicted-to-blogging' phase. And as soon as it's gone, I'll switch back to Minima! But again, does template matter? Isn't the content more important? Won't you read my posts if I stuck to Minima...

And while I write this, I think of thousands of remedies to look good. I think of fair and lovely. I think of those ads that ask for 'beautiful, fair...girl for a guy'. I think of those 'uptann' massages that baby girls get to become fair. I think of that fat girl in school who had no freinds...

A blog is the heart and soul of a person. What he thinks, what he feels and believes in. And appearances deceive what really lies inside. And thats exactly what happens in real life too. Pretty face can be heartless. Not-so-pretty - can be a gem inside. Although I cant generalize this at all.

My earlier template was a little on the kiddish side. That's what I am in real life. But I thought what I was writing was not going with the background. So, well, should I change the way I appear as well.

And what about the title. Teeth that sparkle makes no sense for a 'serious blogger'. So, should I change my title too? (Wont get into what's in a name philosophy!)

Oh, It confuses me to no extent! There are lots of thoughts, but no conclusion. And it basically boils down to 'how you present yourself' funda. Well, doesn't happen that way, does it?


  1. Keep It Short Simple Ans Seemingly Stupid :P

  2. Lots of thoughts there.

    Does the look matter? Yes, it does. When it comes to people or blogs. And people who say otherwise are being hypocrites :P Would you talk to somebody who looks very very dirty and has a very very clean heart?! Or visit a blog that's visually repulsive. What if I put obscene pictures on my blog? Would you still visit it?

    As for changing your look - are you doing it for yourself or somebody else? For what you find good looking might be different from what I find good looking.

    Just my thoughts.

  3. Just keep pouring what comes out of your mind and hart..
    Dont think what other's think..
    Its ur palce and its you who have to feel happy abt it...

    Nice blog anyways, will keep visiting..

    Take care

  4. @ankit... dint get what u r trying to say!!

    @D..i absolutely agree with u on the looks part. and well, i changed the blog look for myself..and from wht i get..u dint like this look! :)

    @Shruti..yeah its my place..but im writing here becoz i want to be read. otherwise i cud use my microsoft word n pour in my thoughts! so..though i cant make everyone happy..some ,i can try :)
    thanks for visiting!

  5. I think Ankit's tryin to say :

    KISSASS :-D Though i donno what he means...

    I tried changin my template too..but i wsnt very good at reverted to the default templates available..

    Ideally looks shdnt matter..but then we are such weak very weak :-)

  6. hey...
    firstly....i really like ur new look...its damn cool!!
    secondly...of course looks matter...coz u blog not just to empty ur mind...but to receive a feedback on it...if its not presented well why would ne1 read...
    good job girl..
    yeah..i can relate with the addicted to blogging phase...i used to change the look of my blog to suit the mood of my post...but now...i barely find time to post let alone alter templates...

  7. Anonymous7/27/2007

    at a level templates are necessary for attracting readers to yer blog but you gotta keep em regular with good stuff... its more like infatuation and love kinda thing... dunno much...

    Its yer blog lady... do as you like...

  8. I'd be lying through my dull teeth if I said looks didn't matter. But I think it is more about the character of that identity that matters. People who identify with that will always will, and that character is the content you write. Keep writing and keep changing the look :)

  9. Anonymous7/28/2007

    a serious blogger is identified, over a period of time, by the content of the post, rather than a title. even a frivolous title can become a strong brand over a period. and the title will be the method for folks to identify with your content.

    Have fun, the hand is a nice touch

  10. @ everyman..nice try at ankits words! and well..we dont live in Utopian world unfortunately looks become important.

    @sneha...thank u soo much...first person who has something to say abt the template! not that im dying for comments..but my tech challenged mind had to work a little hard!
    totally agree with the feedback thingy.. :)

    @the walker..thankus for walking by! love and infatuation..hmm nice correlation with this :)

    @Jolvin..if we had to choose between look n content, content definitely wins hands down. n yeah..templates can b changed netime..content is soo hard to.

    @ gaziabonts..brand teeth that sparkle!lol!people have asked me if im a dentist!!!!
    thanks :)

  11. Well...looks matter only to the extent of attarction. After that it is all about the 'content' and 'personality', which matters the most and all agree with that too.

    Talking of people, I think, if you are a nice person, somehow it tends to show on your face and people get attracted to you instantly. On the contrary, if you are pretty and are bloated with 'yuorself', then it does not help in winning true friends. Enough has been said and written about 'looks matter?', and indeed it is a debateable topic...! As beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, only the beholder can speak for him/herself :-)

  12. well looks do matter dear...may for a small instance...attracts junta but then da contents or da soul or heart watever u wanna say matters da most....but 4 once u need ppl 2 cum nd know u (ur blog in fact!)

  13. @everyone

    thats one meaning.. :P


    its my opinion about blogs, looks and what not.. u know i m another frustated soul bored of all the fairness cream advts... ppl just pretend to be someone else! me not likes that..

    anyway i like the new template..


  14. it was *"And" seemingly stupid..

  15. Oh no, not at all. This is quite an interesting look.

  16. This template is awesome and love the name too..

    Well its the matter..the content and the way it is presented..

    Hell I said them all?

  17. @nabila ..thanks for dropping by. guess we r both from lucknow :)
    yeah i quite agree with u that looks are imp only for initial attraction. thats sad though..debatable topic it is! thats y i dint even write much..u can go on and on

    @ankit..u know what..on blogger reloaded community..u advised me to 'tweak up' the template :)

    ok tell me wht u dont like about it!lol!

    @Lad..yeah u said it all..thanks for the template thing :)

  18. Anonymous7/31/2007

    looks matter and honestly i prefer the previous one!!but as long as you are differnt its fine..pehli baar ke liye toh looks imp hain uske baad its content that will bring people there..necessary evil..aur wo comment bhi maine dekha..aap jitne hee hain hum bhi..technically challenged!!!!


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