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Friday, June 22, 2007


Now this is the usual man says woman says stuff...with a twist!

on phone - 22nd June, 2007
Man: (after talking for 1 hour or rather listening!) Ok sweetheart, I'll get back to work.
Woman: Huh! You never have time for me. We just spoke only for an hour. BYE

on phone - 15th May, 2007
W: (same - an hour) Ok honey, I have some work.
M: Ok sweety, Bye.
W: Huh! You never stop me. You've had enough, havent you? BYE

on phone - 17th April, 2007
M: (been an hour) Hmm and what else?
W: How come its been an hour and you have'nt hung up?
M: Oh, I'm free so no problems.
W: Do you think I'm your timepass. Whenever you are free you'll talk otherwise you'll hang up? BYE

on Phone - 14th Jan, 2007
W: yawnnnn...I'm feeling sleepy.
M: Then sleep no, sweety.
W: That's what you want. Me to stop blabbering. BYE

on phone - 5th Dec, 2006
M: yawnnn...I'm feeling sleepy.
W: You think I'm boring don't you?...BYE

Women, they always have the last word.
Men, call up again, the ring goes alll the way, she doesnt pick up. Second,,,third....depends on the ego of the lady...picks up...n Men, for no fault of their's coochie coo...reassure...apologize...
I'm so glad I'm a woman!!


  1. this is why I pity us men sometimes... would be fun dealing with such a woman...

  2. the fact that you are new is reason enough to comment in stranger's blogs...
    that way, they come by and view your blog... should comment only if you like the people...

  3. yea...true...but the recent post was written solely for I really wouldn't care if people don't read it...their loss anyway...
    i can't be funny all the time... you are probably the 8th one to tell me this today...

  4. U made me one more reason to be happier being woman, than i already was....

  5. Well,,i think i do dis all the time:)
    n dats d best part of being a woman!

  6. u girls are so hard to understand! :D
    heheh! damn! poor guys! :P
    how've u been doin!?
    update soon! :D

    peace & love

  7. Im sure u are talking from personal experience :p


Your sweetness makes my day. Gentle criticism will be taken in the right spirit too :)